Chapter 8 - Kaspian's Crew

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A/N: I took some creative liberties with the song Unconditional by Matt Maeson, enjoy <3

A/N: I took some creative liberties with the song Unconditional by Matt Maeson, enjoy <3

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"We're going to get stuck in the back." Alejandro shouts at me.

The entire day we've been out having a freaking blast. We rode the Ferris wheel, we ate amazing food at the food trucks. We've all been passing around a bottle of alcohol that God knows what's in it at this point.

There are supernatural's from everywhere. It feels like the Palace back home. We've run into vampires, nymphs, and even some faeries. The downside is, we didn't expect so many people to show up.

"Vamos, vamos." Marisol yells as well. Penny and I are laughing as we drag an already pretty drunk Dean towards the concert stage. Yuki is keeping his eyes on us—the only one who didn't drink today.

We made it to the main stage but we're pretty much dead in the center. By the time the concert started, there were thousands of people in front of us, behind us, to our left and right. As the sun was setting, I caught a glimpse of Montgomery in his tower. Leaning over the edge as he was speaking to Killian while they waited.

I tried waving at him, but I'm in a sea and I'm just one tiny fish here. "These spots aren't so bad," Avery said.

We can see the stage. It's no so far away but I'm short, which means I'm leaning against Alejandro. Honestly, I'll be watching the concert through the screens that are on either side of the stage.

We talked and waited together until Kaspian's Crew finally came out. And then we—alongside everyone else—certifiably lost our shit.

The lights, the ambiance, everyone swaying and signing into the air. On the large screens, we could see the way Matthew would riff on his guitar. We watched how Wayan would blow us kisses into the camera. Aiden hitting the drums so hard, it looked like the camera was shaking. Kole would be sensual with us—teasing like she was about to show us her tits. And then Alexander.

Jesus effing Christ—the vocals on that man. We were all blown away. The first real belting he hit drew a silence in the crowd as our jaws all hit the goddamn floor.

"Fuck that's hot," Dean groaned out as we watched Alexander practically put his hand down Kole Hurley's pants. "Shit, I want her."

"Me too." Yuki said under his breath. We laughed at that—we didn't expect him to be so turned on by a blonde woman. But here he is, drooling like every other man and woman.

"What a lucky bastard." Dean muttered as we watched Kole make out with her Mate.

I can only see Alexander through the large showing screens. But he looks exactly like Montgomery. It's incredible. His hair white and shining with the different colored lights. His eyes are so blue, they practically glow through the screens.

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