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She found him in the training ground, sweating from too much training, when he saw though he quickly drop his sword and bows, greeting her.

"Your highness? What brought you here?" He asked looking at her, Roshanne glares at him.

"Let's talk." She spoke before turning around, Alastair of course followed her, when they are out of earshot she turns towards him.

"Why did you fail to mention to me that you were humiliated by that bastard?" Alastair's shoulder tense and his brow furrowed.

" Where did you hear that from?" Roshanne clenches her fist and glares at him.

" It does not matter where I have heard it from, why did you not tell me about such incident?" Alastair looked away and shakes his head.

" It's of no importance." It ire her, when Alastair think of himself as a person of no importance it makes her want to punch him herself, her brother is reckless when it comes to himself, he never think twice!

"It's of no importance? You were seriously thinking about that?" Alastair's jaw clenched, he stood even straight and took a deep breath, she knows that he did that trying to defy her.

"I am fine." He stated through gritted teeth. Roshanne glared at him.

" You were humiliated by a bastard! You who's a true born son! You who's a prince! You who is the Son of Ereya! Your mother would be disappointed." At the mention of mother Alastair's shoulder sag and he looks hurt, Roshanne closed her eyes and sighed.

" I know that you don't engaged in silly fights my sweet brother, but do know that you are prince still, and that your life matters more than that pretender." Alastair looked down at her hand and nods her head.

" Mystica is a she dragon... She never once showed any signs of dominance, for years she have laid eggs... So imagine our surprised when it was her who mounted Sunstar." He finally explained, Roshanne nods her head. A dragons dominance is base on their rider... If their Rider is not strong nor does not possess great control over them and their bond is weak, the dragon became submissive. They are the mirror of their rider.

" You are a fool to always think that your dragon is a girl. But then I think it is safe to say that changes are near. It won't be long brother, we will be free from the clutches of that old man and his bastard son." She promised him... Alastair nod his head.

When the princess left Dae decided to head to her own room to rest, she doesn't know what's the reason why the princess suddenly left, she thought that they were just fine, they were having a good conversation until she had mentioned what had happened during their travel, though she didn't get to dwell to much in her thoughts when a strange figure stood by the window of her room, the tall man's back was against hers, it wasn't until he had turned to look at her that she had finally recognize him.

"Quite beautiful isn't it?" Her brother asked her when they are looking at each other, Dae did not open her mouth and just stared at him... She doesn't know him, for all she knows he could be as unpredictable as their father.

"It wasn't just long ago when you're room was just a small four cornered wall, devoid of any paintings or tapestries, it has no richest nor anything of great interest. Just a small book shelves with a couple of old worn books." He looks around the room, admiring every golden gilded furniture.

"Now you own this big room, with richest enough to buy you a couple of lands and some lord titles as well a few Loyal soldiers." His gaze then falls on her, Dae did not miss the look of smugness in his face nor the cruel glint in their eyes... It reminded her of her father.

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