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DAE rarely dreams, but when she does it is often about a woman named Bree, she doesn't remember that woman, but everytime she dreams of her, she wishes to go with her, nor remember the promise that Bree would take her with her out of that accursed tower she was stuck into. She couldn't remember how Bree looks like, nor how her voice sounds, but she never forget the kind look in her eyes and the sad turn of her lips. Was she a servant who took care of her? Or was she a friend taken from her?

It always made her question things. But last night she dreams of her again, of Bree tending to her wounds helping her heal and offering her kindness. And when she woke up everything was fine. The bruises from her brother's beating was gone, she Heald, she was fine. Neviska was there to help her, looking relieved to see her stand on her own again.

"What happened my lady?" Neviska asked her gently as she helps her get dressed.

"My brother punished me for misbehaving." She answered her, watching herself in the mirror. Neviska was silent for a moment but she could see how bother she was.

"Well are you alright now?" Dae smiles and nods her head, she is fine now. Though she is not sure how the bruises suddenly disappeared, maybe her dream last night wasn't a dream at all... Because after seeing Bree, she was sure that she caught a glance of golden threads. Maybe the princess had visited her.

"Did the princess.... Visited me yesterday?" She asked Neviska after she's done fixing her dress.

"She did my lady. She helped tend to your wounds." She looks at Neviska through the mirror, so it wasn't a dream yesterday, but a fragment of memory, heat warmth her at the thought of the princess spearing some time just to heal her.

"Can you accompany me to her room? I must attend to her." She asked Neviska, suddenly remembering that she is one of the princess ladies in waiting. Neviska silently nods and accompanied her to the princess room. Which is just across her own, she knocked on the door and it was opened by Odette.

"You're just in time my lady, the princess is waiting for you." Odette said before stepping aside to let her in. Dae entered and looked around the room.

" She requires your help in the bath." Odette told her before leaving and closing the door, she stood their for a moment, just staring at the door.

" Dae." The soft voice of the princess is what snapped her out of her own reverie, she quickly headed towards the bathroom and there she saw the princess. She stops short in her track as she noticed that the princess is naked, her back was against her so she couldn't see her front. He cheeks began to redden at the thought of seeing the princess naked... She don't know, but something about the idea of seeing the princess naked seems so indecent for her.

"Dae? Sweetling, come here." The princess called again and before she could even stop herself, Dae was already walking towards the princess.

"Your highness." She called her, still standing behind her unsure of what to do. She refused to look at the princess, afraid that what she might see would make things feel improper for her...

"Come stand in front of me, so I could take a look at you." Dae's throat suddenly felt dry, she swallowed twice to ease it but nothing happened. She slowly made her way to stand in front, but she didn't look at the princess, she was looking ahead.

"How are you feeling?" The princess began asking her.

" I'm feeling much better your highness, though I must express my sincerest gratitude for your help. Neviska told me that you visited me yesterday. Helping with my recovery." She stated all the while she's looking at wall, refusing to cast a glance at the princess, thinking she was unworthy to see the princess in such a state.

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