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Dae stared at golden door of the king's room. His guard remained standing by the side of the door, waiting for her to open up the door...... They stood their awkwardly. She's trying to will herself to knock ...Just knock.

with a deep breath, She had finally muster a courage ana knock.... Once, twice...

"Enter" She heard the king said. She swallowed first before turning down the knob and opening the door. It wasn't that heavy she noted. When she opened the door the first thing she noticed was... How lavish the room of the king was... This is her first time visiting him, therefore it left her speechless... Despite the room being dimly lit Dae hadn't had a hard time seeing, as the gold that covers the room shines...

From the walls, down to the floor, up to the ceilings and into the furniture... Everything was cold. The wardrobe, the table and the chair, even the bedframe. But what amazed her more was the cover of the bed, made from the rare gold silk that kingdom of Solvira was known for. Her eyes finally went to the king who's standing there, watching her like how a lion watches his prey... Dae swallowed and closed the door behind her.

"You're Grace." She greeted him before curtsying. The room was beautiful... And the king stood like a sore sight it the mids of it's elegance, he donned an elegant golden robe, that doesn't sit well with him.

"Come closer my dear." He beckons her, Dae did as what he asked her, and didn't miss the way his eyes grow heavy with lust. His smirk grew bigger showings his yellowish crooked teeth, his hair was a mess, there's still a golden strand on top of his head, that slowly turns grey and then black at its end. It looks like he's not washing it carefully.

"You wished to see me." He stated, and Dae quickly remembers her duty. She composed herself and smiled, hoping that it didn't look nervous at all.

"Yes... I wish to congratulate you your majesty." She turns towards the small table in the king's room where the wine was and pour some into the king's glass. While pouring some wine, she thought of the poison that her father gave her, she left it to her room... What if she poisoned him? It would make everything easier and faster, it would put her out of her misery.

"You have heard about my Battles?" The king asked once she's done pouring the wine, she smiled at him and gave him his glass which he gladly took, then she gently pull him towards the sofa.

"Yes... The princess told me about it, she told me of how great you are." The king squinted his eyes, as if not believing her.

"Roshanne... Did?" Dae was beggining to panic, he's not believing her, what if he sees past her? Noticed that she's lying?

"My daughter speaks about me... To you?" He questions again, Dae nods her head, and settled the wine glass down.

"Well... I asked her... Since... I-i want to you... Better. If you know what I mean. You were basically busy with the kingdoms affair and I don't wanna burden you with going out on a date... You are a king after all." This seems to please him, as his questioning glare slowly disappeared, and was replaced by a satisfied smirk. He reaches towards her, touching her hair, before going down to her night gown, making sure to pull the slit exposing her... Chest more. Dae's breath hitch, but she didn't move.

"Was it to ease your fear about me? Is that why you wanted to get to know me?" His eyes never left her breast, which made lying more easy.

"I must admit, yes your grace." she told him, she noticed that his glass of wine was already empty, so she refilled it.

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