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Lady Dae

The princess was not herself, Dae had noted, watching as the princess tore her own dress in her haze to get naked, she acted more of a beast ready to pounce her while Dae laid there on the bed looking at her, her breast was already exposed, but the dress remained gathered around her waist. After removing the last of clothes Roshanne crawled closer to her.

If it was the king doing this, she would have been appalled by the sight of it, it really would look like a monster crawling towards her rather than this beautiful woman, his caress would be rough, his kisses would be harsh and his beard would make her skin itch, his hold would leave bruises, his rough hand would squeeze her breast like how a child would squeeze a toad to death...

"Your highness? Is this alright?" She asked her once the princess was closer to her, so close that she could breath in the air she was breathing.

"Hush... Everything is fine." The princess said before leaning towards her to seal their lips... The princess was everything that her father could never be, her hands whilst being heavy and firm carry a certain tenderness, there were no beard to make her skin itch, there were no rough, chapped lips to caress her own... When the princess squeeze her breast it was just the right amount, not to hard not to soft, just enough to illicit such a wonderful sound from her lips. When the princess caress her skin she felt no disgust but rather pleasure, it made her skin so hot it felt scalding. When the princess pulled back from their kiss Dae was left chasing her lips. The princess was still breathing heavily.

" I can't take it anymore."She said pushing her backwards until her back was against the soft sheet of the princess' bed, the princess then kneeled above her, her knees where at the side of her head, the princess was soaked, Dae noted, her wetness was running down her inner thigh down to her knees.

"When she told me I will be aroused after taking that damned Potion I didn't know I would be this aroused." the princess stated whilst looking down on Dae.

"I hope you can keep up with me... Because we will not be done until the sun rises once more." Dae opened her mouth to protest, she needs to be back at the harem, in fact she needs to report back to her father, but before a word could form in her lips, the princess was already lowering her self.

"Mphf!" The princess threw her head back when Dae's lips made contact against her wet mound.

"Your tongue darling, use your tongue the way you did before." The princess grunted, Dae took a hold of her legs, before slowly licking the princess, she first lick the slick lips of the princess cunt, before dipping her count, she taste rather sweet today, not her usual taste that is sweet and tangy, but the taste was addicting, Dae found herself wanting for her, to the point where she dipped her tongue to the source of that slick wetness.

"More... More." The princess demand as she began grinding her hips towards Dae's face, allowing for her sensitive nub to hit Dae's nose. A loud moan elicited from her lips when Dae did something unpredictable, she let her finger skim the princess sensitive nub, surprising the princess and even herself... Where did she learn that? Well she had seen lady Ceris done that, so she decided to copy her and this seems to please the princess. Dae watched with bathed breath as the princess moved above her, as tongue delve deeper inside her and as her finger moves playfully like how she would strung a harp, she was drawing beautiful sounds out of the princess lips and it made her chest swell with unknown pride, it was such a blessing to see her in this state, driven mad by lust and in her most carnal and glory, the princess had never looked so beautiful. And Dae was proud, oh she was proud that only she could make her like this, that above else the princess choose her, knowing the fact that she could have had anyone, and instead choose her. Dae was never been once a proud woman, but right now she has every right to be.
Princess Roshanne

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