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WARNING: INCEST up ahead, don't be mad at me. Again if you are uncomfortable feel free to skip Roshanne's pov and head to the next chapter.


Dae stood their a couple of more minutes just admiring the princess, and she didn't notice her until the door closes.

"Your Highness." She curtsy, it was not perfect but she made effort, like how lady Diana taught her.

"You're learning." The princess said with a soft smile, this made Dae's heart beat a little faster, happy that this has pleased the princess.

"Thank you your highness." She replied, the princess motion for her to take a seat, she sat opposite her, facing the princess. She had noticed that she is wearing a simple dress, indicating that she hadn't come out yet to greet the guests.

"Do you know why I called you here?" She asked her, starting the conversation, Dae shakes her head, she genuinely had no idea... Well she did, she may have called her back here to discuss about what had happened between them, but she is unsure.

"Earlier today, the Queen's servant and Ladies in waiting lost her. You see our majesty isn't.... Quiet herself." She never miss the way the princess wince at the mention of the queen.

"She would often wonder the halls of the castle bear footed, dressing dirty, she was often times mistaken as servant." Dae sat there just listening.

" Well to cut this short, her servant, Mia came here to report as she always does every two weeks. She told me that you found her grace and accompanied her as she tries and look for...... Deceased son." Dae never miss how the princess' tone darken at her words, how her gaze hardened.

"I must thank you, for the kindness that you offered that deprived woman. In the past few months, the queen was lost between the memories of the past and her present. She still calls for the name of the prince." Roshanne shared before standing up, she went to the desk that was inside her room, and opened one of it's cabinets.

"May I kindly ask? Why did the queen... Turn like that?" She inquire trying to keep the conversation alive.

"The queen had only one child, one son... People said that before she fell pregnant with the prince, she suffered countless miscarriage first, and even after then her pregnancy with the prince isn't easy. She went into countless turmoil before she successfully bring him to the world." The princess then turned around holding a small jewelry box in her hand, she then walked closer to her and placed the jewelery box in her lap.

"But the queen told me she had another child, a daughter whom the prince loves dearly." Once again Dae never misses the way Roshanne had stilled, nor the way her body twitched a little.

"Let's not discuss this depressing matter more." She told her with a soft smile. Dae nodded her head, agreeing to what the princess had asked, she's afraid to upset her, nor be the cause of her ire.

" Well as a toke of appreciation to your kind work, I gift you this." The princess opened the jewelry box to present her a bracelet, a fine gold bracelet with dragons carving on it, it's magnificent and the way it shines makes her held her breath.

"I... Your grace, this is such a wonderful gift. I'm afraid it won't suit me, nor it is ever worthy to be worn by me." She told her looking up at the princess who just chuckled.

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