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The princess was once again in the tower of Maiden, she was talking to one of the dragon masters about a drastic change in the tower of the maiden, especially to the female dragons that reside inside the tower.

"Even I myself couldn't believe your highness!" The dragon master said while showing her one of the golden eggs that was freshly laid by one of the dragons.

"Just the other night three of the five dragons in the upper level Laid four to five clutches of eggs! And yesterday seven of our dragons from the lower level all laid a clutch of eggs, with the numbers not going below five...we hadn't seen this in a decade your highness!" He excitedly said, Roshanne stared at the egg for a moment... She suddenly felt unsure... This phenomenon can be connected to her father...was he perhaps falling back to the grace of the Gods? Was his marriage to Dae actually brought something good for him? But it was a good thing... The numbers are going up.

"That's good, please pay extra attention to them, make sure nothing goes wrong and make sure that all of them hatch." The Master nods his head before excusing himself. Roshanne stood there for a moment, she started at Wildfyre who hasn't shown any changes, signs of heat and that she is ready for mating, whilst her father's dragon has been mounting female dragons every now and then for the past two days.

"What bothers you so my dear cousin?" Roshanne looked behind her just in time to see Cashandra coming down from her dragon. A black beast with a streak of red scale, her dragons horns are in a shape that resembles that of a goats horn.

"It's nothing." She replied to her before looking back at Wildfyre who was slowly approaching Cashandra's smaller dragon.

" Shouldn't you be happy? I heard that several dragons here have laid several clutches of eggs. In the dragon dome the dragons are in frenzy, they're mating nonstop for the past two days... and during my exploration i found several caves with several eggs... twelve of those caves used to be abandoned." Cashandra reported to her. Roshanne smiles... But she was still bothered.

"What's wrong? Come on tell me." Cashandra encourages her.... Roshanne looked at her.... before sighing.

"It's... Just that... This started happening after my father's wedding... It's making me question my plan... Have I perhaps fallen out of favor from the gods? Did I perhaps... push my father back in their favor?" She finally voices out her concern before facing, and Cashandra scoffs.

"You? Falling out of their grace? That is impossible, just look at your hair and eyes" To make emphasis of her words Cashandra brushes her hair.

"Just look at your power still in your hands." Cashandra then holds her hand.

"Your not falling out of grace...If anything you have earned their favor more... This phenomenon is simply happening in preparation for you... When you finally takes the crown." Roshanne stared at her cousin's eyes... Cashandra have always been a supportive cousin.... She and her grandmother along with Margaret are the few women who raise her up... They are the one who told her... That it should have been her who became the heir... Not her brother who was weak.

"How can you be so sure?" Cashandra looks behind her and smile, before putting her hand on her shoulder and slowly turning her around... Only did then Roshanne had seen what was Wildfyre doing.... She's opening her wings, expanding it and then puffing her chest out in front of Minx, Wildfyre's dorsal fins were also extending... This was only ever done by the male dragons when attracting a mate... Wildfyre is showing traits only a male dragon would have... She is....

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