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Princess Roshanne
A princess must be though, a princess must be disciplined, a princess must be smart, a princess must be perfect

A sainte must be devoted, a Sainte must be pious, a Sainte must be kind, a sainte must be loving.

Roshanne recited those words again and again inside her mind, those were the things that had been taught to her by both her grandmother and her mentor.

"Forgive me... Forgive me for I have sinned, forgive me for I have fail, forgive for I have shed blood... Forgive me for I have tainted my hands with blood." She prayed, ignoring the pain of the salt against her knees, she doesn't know how long she was kneeling, all she knows is that she's already bleeding, and her body and mind had become numb.... The sound of the door opening and closing was the only indication that Archbishop Lante had arrived... She smelled the incense burning.

"Confess to me." His voice echoed around the silent room.

"I have sinned." She confessed before opening her eyes.

"What have you done?" The Archbishop asked, Roshanne could feel his looming presence behind her... Archbishop Lante was a Petite man... Yet his shadow at that moment seems so big.

"I have hurt someone." She answered. She saw the unmistakable shadow of the whip and prepared herself.

"Have you asked for forgiveness?" Roshanne swallowed before licking her lower lip.

"I have repented." She answered, there was a moment of silence between them, Roshanne's breath shudders.

"Then you will be receiving your punishment... Continue praying." Roshanne nods her head and closed her eyes... She prayed and she prayed.... asking for forgiveness, as the first hit of whip made contact to her skin... It was no ordinary whip, because at its tips there were barb wires that sink into her skin, making it more painful as it was drag down, she felt her skin breaking, and her blood oozing, yet she did not falter in her prayer. She kept praying and praying as the whip kept on hitting her back... This was nothing, she reminded herself, this is nothing compared to the price ahead of her.

By the end of her punishment the sun was already beggining to rise, there were both sweating, but Roshanne was the only one bathing in her own blood.

"The Gods have forgiven you.... You may now rise." The Archbishop stated, Roshanne slowly opened her eyes and unclasped her hands, she watches as the shadow of the Archbishop slowly faded from view... When she heard the door opening and closing only then did she stood up.... The salt on her knees had already made a damage, bruise and wounds form on her knees, the skin on her back was peeled off by the continues hitting of the whip... Yet Roshanne had never felt so light before, she took a deep breath before continuing further to the end of the room where there was another door, Roshanne pushed it open and from there lies the pool of gold... The pool of divine healing, on the far wall facing it was the statue of the divine Goddess Solvira, the namesake of their kingdom, wife of their God Sol. Roshanne stared at the image of the woman... They said that she looks like her.... Her grandmother often claims that she was her reincarnation, that's why she heavily believes that it is her who's the rightful heir to the throne.

And Roshanne couldn't agree more... She steps down the pool allowing the thick gold water to kiss her skin, the pool was a gift from their Gods. It was there since the beginning of time and a priced possession they have. Roshanne kept on walking until she reached the deepest part of it, she stared at the statue one last time before closing her eyes and submerging from the water.

It was dark, she thought... This wasn't the first time she had submerged in this water, back when she was poisoned by one of her siblings was the first time she ever submerged into this by the help of her grandmother, and everytime she does... A warm welcoming darkness is what greeted her... Along with the feeling of someone embracing her... Someone big... Someone strong and powerful.... Soon after that, the feeling of pain would slowly disappear. And by the time she opened her eyes... She would once again see the statue, bathing in the light of the sun...

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