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The jousting tournament, it was something Dae had find uncomfortable to watch as she sat watching some lords and knights meet in the middle of the field and hit each other with their lances, the cracking sound of it makes Dae flinch. She could never understand how they could enjoy this.

"I'll bet a hundred and fifty gold coins to lord Ritter." Her brother told the man that was sitting beside him, Fredrick had actually pulled her with him, they sat side by side in the tilt barrier. He actually forced her to come with him, threatening her that she would hit her again if she dares to deny him.

"I'll bet three hundred and fifty gold coins to lord Colvin" the 12th prince stated while he drink from his goblet, they had been betting since earlier, and his brother kept losing, she doesn't know if he's intending to lose or he just really can't tell who's going to win. Anyway she decided to join, since she had no one to talk to.

"I think lord Colvin will win." She spoke softly which earn him a glare from him.

"Do keep it to yourself sister, what do you know of this game?" He sneers at her making her cower. He's been doing that since earlier whenever she tried to make a conversation, he would sneer or completely shut her off. She heard prince Daylan chuckle.

" No, let her... I must imagine how bored you must have felt, forgive me for not including you. But do tell me how do you know he'll win?" Prince Daylan asked her, he looks at her and smiled, showing that dimple, he is handsome, and he looks charming, having him look at her makes her blush.

"Well um... Lord Ritter's horse looks distracted and he seems weak." She told him noticing the horse. It had been acting weird, and the rider actually looks like it's having a hard time controlling it. The prince only nods and smiles before turning his attention back to the tournament.... And just like that his brother lost another hundred and fifty gold coins, lord Ritter's horse fell down just in time for lord Colvin's lance to make contact with his head knocking him unconscious.

"Is he alive?" She asked no one in particular, watching as the squires tried to carry their master out of the field. Her brother suddenly stood up, face red with anger at his lost.

"Excuse me." He said before leaving without another word. Once he is gone the 12th prince laugh.

"You're correct, that horse is sick." He told her, winking at her before he too stood up and left. She was now alone in the tilt. Behind her where other noble lords and ladies but none dared to approach her. Dae now sits their quietly just watching, waiting for the next contenders, on the other side of the tilt she could see the commoners watching the games, but some of them were looking at her, they are more focused on her if Anything. She quickly averted her gaze feeling anxious, why are they staring at her? Was it because of what she's wearing? Dae looked down at the dress she's wearing, it was a dress that the people of Solvira usually wear, where everything is hidden, it is also lavish, and the materials used in it is expensive. Was it the color? She wore the color of their house, Green... Should she have worn something else? Perhaps the color of the king which is white and gold? Or was it perhaps because of her looks.

Dae had already noted that majority of the people in Solvira had blonde hair, fair skin and their eyes varies from the color of blue to grey. There are some who has chestnut brown hair or dark colored hair, but they are rare, and they often belong to the lower class of family. If you thrust her towards the group of people she always stands out.

With a sigh, Dae decided to leave, she wasn't enjoying it anyway. She stood up and was ready to leave but was startled when someone hold her arm, looking up she was relieved to see lady Eleanor already smiling at her.

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