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Princess Roshanne
T'was a lovely day, the princess thought as she peered from the window, the sun was up once more, the kingdom was peaceful, despite the sudden arrival of Dae's father, it must be because the king is away, searching for a golden haired bastard.... A smile thug upon her lips, a bastard he will never see again, too bad for him her sources were more faster, and her assassins... Are more agile. And the babe and it's mother were peacefully dealt with. She took a sip of her tea before she looks at the quiet lady who's sitting across from her, her red hair was put into a braid, her head was adorned with flowers and she's wearing a green dress. Lady Dae was reading a book, quietly. She asked to meet her again, it's already been four days since their last meeting in the parlor, she's been busy dealing with the kingdoms problem.

"How's the harem?" Dae looked up from her book when she asked her that.

"Oh... It was good." Dae answered her with a smile on her lip, but she never misses the way she blushes... Seemingly to remember something, Roshanne tilts her head to the side.

"Anything else?" She asked again, and Dae shakes her head, Roshanne decided to leave her at that. She places down the tea cup and cleared her throat, Dae looked back at her, she raised her brow and Dae quickly put down her book and sits straight.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" She asked her, and Dae nods her head, she remained quiet and waited for her to speak again.

"We should have had this conversation before, but as you know... We got distracted." Dae's face turned beat red and Roshanne enjoyed it, finding it quiet pleasurable to see her blushing and sweating, it was also the reason why she decided to take a seat far from her... Because she knows that she wouldn't be able to resist Dae.... Maybe she could fuck her again after this meeting, but for now she would have to focus to the problem at hand.

"I don't want to beat around the bush and drag this conversations longer Dae.... I would just want an honest answer from you, and I want you to tell me the truth." Roshanne didn't miss the way Dae's bracelet glow... And she fought back the smile that was threatening to spill.

"Tell me the purpose of your father. Why did he surrender?" She asked her, Dae swallowed twice before looking down at her hands.

"My father may have many reasons for his surrender, he wanted to protect the kingdom, and he wanted to kill the king." Dae admitted, Roshanne nods her head. They wanted the same thing after all.

"What is your purpose Dae? Why did you agree to marry my father?" Dae bit her lower lip, Roshanne could see how hard she's trying to not spill everything, but in the end it was impossible.

"I didn't, my father forced me. He... Wanted me to kill the king, but not before giving birth to his child. My father also wanted me to kill you and your family." Roshanne brow raised... So that was his plan.

"And how are you going to do that?" Dae swallowed, then she took something out from her sleeve and put it on the table, it was vial containing a purple liquid, Roshanne eyes squinted.

"By poisoning us?" She asked Dae who nods in confirmation, before looking down in shame.

"Forgive me your highness. But I never wanted to do it." Roshanne smiles and grab the vial, she examined it for a few moment before placing it back down to the table.

"No... It's okay. You haven't done anything wrong, you are just doing what you're father wanted you to do, because you are his good girl." Dae looked up at her with wide eye... Seems like she wasn't expecting her to take this news greatly, Roshanne just smiled.

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