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Princess Roshanne

She was left sitting in her chair as she observed the vial, they were planning on using a love potion on her to make her fall in love? That's absurd, really... But at the same time she had felt threatened, so far the people around her have only ever attempted at poisoning her, which doesn't work because of her healing ability, but a love potion?! It was a first! No one had dared to do that to her before and.... She doesn't know if it'll work or not.

"You called for me?" Roshanne looked up just in time to see Lady Ceris stepping inside her room through the secret door in her wall, she smiled at her and wave.

"Yes... I have inquiries about something." She told her, standing up and approaching her.

"But first of all, tell me what's the status of the harem?" Lady Ceris sighed and shakes her head.

"Lady Giovanette is on the move... She's been trying to gain king's attention again for sometime now, requesting audience with him more often, but couldn't make a move properly as Lady Clementine often beats her to it... The other girls aren't interested that much about this fight for position, but it's giving me a headache." She told her as she leaned against the desk that was inside her room.

" Why?" She curiously asked her, walking towards where the bottle of wine is and pouring some for them to drink while they conversed.

" Well... There are always fight breaking, I have to stop a few assassination attempt on the others, it's tiring." Lady Ceris spoke as she grabbed the glass of wine that she had offered.

" Well I have some good news for you." She told her with a smile. Lady Ceris only raised her brow.

" You don't have to stop this assassination attempts." This made her brow furrow, she sets down the glass.

" I can't do that. If I disregard this attempt... Sooner or later the harem will flood with blood." Roshanne smirks.

"Exactly, let it flood with blood. It's bound to happen." Lady Ceris clenched her jaw.

"Eleanor could be harmed too." Roshanne nods her head, of course, she's doing it because she doesn't want Eleanor to be harmed.

"Then just protect her, and stay out of sight." Ceris squinted her eyes.

"Everyone is a threat inside the harem. With this political struggle, one concubine will do everything to be the one standing and to become a queen." Roshanne shakes her head.

"No... Not all will get involved... So far we only have four contenders for the position of the queen... They will fight head on with one another just to get this... So let them kill one another." She told her, Ceris brow furrowed again and she crossed her arm.

" Just what the hell would you get from this? Why are you suddenly letting us fight? When you spend your whole life trying to keep peace inside the harem?" Roshanne downed the last of her wine and place the empty glass on the table.

" Because I was preserving the peace of the harem for a specific time... It's time to eliminate enemies without having to dirty my hand... And I will be needing your help." She then went to her drawer and looked for the poison vial that Dae had given her. And gave it to Ceris.

" Turn them against one another lady Ceris, let them fight, set everything in motion. But do everything in your power to save those who doesn't want to be involved." Roshanne shakes the vial.

" Our first target is lady Dara... She is the weakest target we have... wait for my signal before you begin." She placed the Vial on lady Ceris hand who examined it.

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