23| Plane games

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Aria King

We were back on a plane flying early to Montreal so we wouldn't be to jet lagged for the race. Me and Charles were currently sitting across from each other eating out meals. I had my computer out in front of me along with some reports that I was entering to send to the other engineers. 

"I'm bored" Charles says placing his phone down. "I'm sure you can find something to do as an adult" I say not letting my eyes leave the screen as my fingers continue to tap away on the keyboard. 

"Can you take a break from working for a bit we have an 8 hour flight to do that" He pushed me. I sigh and look at him and he give me a childish smile. I close the lid of my laptop and turn my attention to him. 

"Ok what should we play?" I ask him raising a brow. "Do you want to play F1 23 on the console they have in here" he says . "They have a console in a plane since a when" I say getting up and walking over to the couch. 

Charles goes and turns it on and puts to the disc in and hands me the controller. I turn it on and we start to play. Charles wins the first round but I make a quick comeback by winning two back to back. We are having a blast and laughing around with each other. I had swung my legs up into Charles lap and was leaning back while we both played and chose different tracks. 

Charles was yelling at the tv and I was laughing my head off. After a few more rounds of playing we switch the console off and decide to play something else. "How about we just search up a few questions and ask each other" I say and he nods. 

I pull out my phone and search up some random questions. I pull up a website that has a few listed and we both get comfy on the couch. 

"Ok first would you rather be hot or cold?" I say looking up at him while he answers. " Always cold" He confidently says. 

"My turn ok if you had to pack up and move to another country tomorrow, where would you go?" He says. "I think I would come to Monaco it's really grown on me" I smile at him. 

We carry on more questions and as we go down the list it gets deeper. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked Charles. "Yes because I saw you" He said and I blushed hard. 

"Ok what does your dream future look like?" I ask him grabbing my knee to hold on to. "I want to win many world titles and I want to continue to race for a while. But eventually I do want to have three kids just like me and my brothers. And I want to wake up to your beautiful face each morning" He says. My face is as red as a tomato. I feel my eyes tear up a bit because I'm so happy. 

"Alright lets do some simple questions and see if we can answer them for each other" I say turning off my phone. 

"Whats my favorite color?" Charles asks me. "Ferrari red and for me" I say raising my brow. "It changes from day to day but you love emerald green and red along with blues" He says in full detail. 

"Ok whats my favorite animal?" I ask him. "You loves horses and they are very special in your heart" He says and I smile. I go in to hug him and he lets me in.

"You know me so well" I say nuzzling into his chest. "I try my best" he says. We both fall back on the couch tangled in each others arms and eventually drift off to sleep.

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