43| Wedding

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Dupatta- a length of material worn as a scarf or head covering, typically with a salwar, by women from South Asia

Aria King

Two days had passes since the henna party and now it was time for the actual wedding celebration. After a gentle morning where me and Charles went down to the gym and did a little session together we were both now getting ready. 

Or really just me as Charles was currently sitting on his phone answering emails while I was getting ready to hop into the shower. 

I quickly washed my hair and lathered my body in the sweet smelling body wash. I got out and wrapped myself in one of the fluffy robes you get at the hotels and stepped outside the bathroom. 

I sat in my chair in front of the vanity to start getting ready. I decided to let my hair air dry about 80% of the way then start styling it. In the mean time I put two clips in my hair to push it out of my face and got started on my make up. 

I wanted to go for a smoked out liner with a bold lip and was currently failing at getting both of them even. I held the small mirror extremely close to my face while trying to correct the eye liner so it actually looked like I put some effort into it. 

After a bit of work I got them both to look even and next went to do my actual face. I started my base routine and decided that I was allowed to do a full glam makeup look because it was a wedding and I wanted this to stay on all night. 

After finishing most of my makeup except for my lips I moved on to my hair because it was now almost completely dry. I pulled out my blowdryer and dried it the rest of the way then bushed it so it would dry straight so I could curl it better. Then I parted it into section to make sure it was even. It took me another half an hour to curl my hair.

While the curls were setting I went and got changed in the green outfit. I had to leave the buttons in the back undone because I couldn't get them so I would make Charles do it later. I put the skirt on and looked in the mirror. I smiled at myself because for the first time in a while I felt truly beautiful. 

I went and put on my heels then brushed out my curls so they would look better. I finally finished doing my lip stick and went to do a little spin in the mirror feeling confident in myself. Just then Charles walked in with his undone tie hanging loose around his neck. 

"Perfect timing can you do the buttons on the back of my shirt please?" I ask him. He looks up from trying to figure out his tie and walk over to me. "You never can do it yourself can you" He says doing up the buttons. "Maybe I can't do them on purpose and plus you're here why should I have to strain my arms when I have a perfectly good boyfriend who loves me and would do anything for me" I say as her finishes the buttons. 

"You look beautiful angel" He says turning around. "Thank you but I haven't even completed the look yet" I protest. 

"You still look like the most beautiful lady ever created to me" he retorts. "Now that I helped you with your thing can you help me with my tie?" he asks me. 

I nod but want to play with him a bit. "So you are a full grown man who goes to fancy events like this all the time but you still don't know how to tie your own tie" I tease him. 

"Well maybe I don't want to tie it on purpose" He smirks at what he did. "Hey that's my line!" I playfully say while doing up his tie. 

"Look up" and he does so looking up while I fix it so it's straight. "Done happy" I say placing my hand on his chest after he is done. 

"Very" he says stealing a kiss from me quickly before going outside to go get his suit jacket and shoes. In the mean time I opened my jewelry box and put on the necklace and earring that would go with this dress. Finally I was ready to go and did one final check in the mirror before walking out of the bedroom where Charles was waiting for me. 

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