50| Media Craze

484 10 0

Aria King 

I woke the next morning to find it was already way too early. My head was still sleepy after getting a good night's rest. Charles was still sound asleep next to me while I tried to wriggle my way out of his grasp to use the restroom. 

Eventually, I was able to slither out and make my way there. I finished my business there and returned to bed with Charles. 

I thought he was still asleep so I stayed to my side to not wake him. But as soon as I hit the mattress he rolled over and flung his arm over my waist and pulled me to him. 

He rolled over slightly to trap me and stop me from getting away. "Stop escaping" He mumbles sleepily. "I'm not escaping I'm using the bathroom," I say quietly. "That still counts as escaping." He mumbles again.

I grabbed my phone to respond to a few texts from a few friends and other people. "Don't look on your socials right now it won't be good" Charles says while peeking his eyes open to see what I was doing. 

"Trust me love I know" I say. Like always his head finds its way into my neck where he lays his good morning kisses. After responding and making sure that everything was ok I placed my phone back onto the side table. Somehow Charles manages to pull me even closer to him. 

"Charlie we have to get up our flights in a two hours and we need to pack everything up" I say running my hands through his hair. "No" He says smugly into my neck. "I promise you that once we are in Santorini and on break we can lay in bed as long as we want" his arms wrap tighten. 

"Five minutes" he yet again mumbles. "You say that every morning!" I whisper yell. "Because I need this every morning" I wasn't able to stay mad at his morning voice. 

As said we stayed in bed for another five minutes before I pushed Charles off of me and went to go get ready for the day. Charles joined me in the bathroom a few minutes later to brush his teeth then get changed. I also changed into a more comfortable outfit and left the bathroom to finish packing away everything that was lying around the room. 

Charles followed me and began to pick up his things that he had left around.  "This time you are packing your own stuff" I say to him while folding my own things and placing them in their respective places. 

"Yeah ma'am" he says slowly and carefully folding his clothes. After 30 minutes of cleaning and getting packed up to leave we left to go grab some breakfast from a local cafe. 

Me and Charles barley took a step out the door when the cameras started to flash. I wasn't prepared to be blinded by the amount of flash and quickly had to pull my sunglasses out of my bag to hide my face. 

"Just don't pay attention to them pretend that they aren't there" Charles says to me looking down to make sure that I'm ok. I give him a quick nod as we made our way to the car. He quickly opened the door for me and helped me to get into the car. 

He jogged over to the other side and quickly got in. The fans we starting to come closer to the car but Charles managed to start the car quickly and get out. 

Once we were out of the range of the fans both me and Charles let out a deep sigh. I interlocked me and Charles fingers and he began to draw small circles and shapes on the back of my hand. 

"Ok where is the closest cafe" I asked looking around. We drove around for a short while until I finally found a small cafe on the corner of the street. Charles parked the car quickly and helped me get out like the gentleman he was. It was a small cafe with only a few lonely customers and single worker behind the register. 

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