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Have you ever wondered about the purpose of humanity's existence on earth?

Let's say, most people don't even care about it anyway and they take it all granted. Most don't even have a fulfilling life, they only focus on their careers; in which they self imprisoned themselves in offices and don't have the time to enjoy other experiences. And yeah, I know that some people like it that way, but what's the point of living then?

I like to take chances, and even if my life would be at risk, sometimes it's better to try something rather than regret not doing anything later. I think I got this from my mother. She was always a person to go into things head on, not asking anyone's opinion and going on her own. Whereas my father is much calmer than her and rather stays in his own bubble, but supports me in everything nonetheless.

All these philosophical questions come to my mind only during those times I need them the least. The perfect example is now. I'm supposed to upload a new video tomorrow - well, technically today since it's two in the morning - but I'm no way near finishing the flat cutting scenes yet. I really should consider hiring an editor.

I sighed and took a sip of my coffee and scrunched my nose when I realised it's cold. I remembered making it at ten o'clock yesterday before midnight. Sometimes, actually rather all the time, I get carried away by my thoughts too easily.

I finished the cutting when the time hit three in the morning. Turning off my computer I stood up from the chair and went to my bed, thanking myself mentally for taking a shower before editing the video. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up to a dimly lit room, since I always keep my curtains down at night. Whether it's a habit since childhood, when I was scared that I'd see some shadowy monster appear at the window, or now a fear that someone might be watching me, it's better to keep it closed and make sure none of my fears are real.

Mornings tend to be cold for me when I get out of the bed, so I took a hoodie from my chair and put it on, with the hood hiding my still tangled hair. My steps led to my bathroom where I brushed my teeth and made myself somehow presentable before putting a sports set on and going on a run.

Running is...let's say not my strongest point whatsoever, but I've been trying to get better at it. It is said running is the best way to get your head into a completely different way of thinking and be on the positive side of mindset. And even if it's not my favourite thing to do, I must admit it does in fact make you feel optimistic.

I ran my usual track around the block of my apartment complex with music playing in my airpods. When I first moved into my apartment here in London, believe it or not, even though I was already familiar with the city, I felt like I was in a Spanish town; completely lost. I first went out after hiding for a week when I ran out of food. And it definitely wasn't an ideal thing to forget a way back. Thankfully, me being me, I asked the first stranger for help which he proceeded to do. And not only that, he became one of my first friends here and later on - lasting up till now - he's my boyfriend.

Which reminded me that I forgot to call him last night. Yeah, here's me being too busy with my work again, as he would say.

After thirty minutes of my morning run, I returned back to my small apartment and got into the shower. The apartment is 1+1 and at the time I moved in it was the best one I could get. It's pretty cosy, since I put a lot of work into decorating and making sure it would reflect me in the best way possible. In the end, it was my comfort place and I'm always proud to say that I did it all by myself.

Sitting on my sofa with a cup of coffee in my hand, I dialled my boyfriend's contact and pressed the phone to my ear. After a couple of seconds my call got declined which made me furrow my brows. This wasn't what he would do.

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