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Me and Lando found ourselves in bed. Just laying beside each other and sleeping, if that's what you're wondering about.

There was no pillow barrier between us today, since we were too tired to even think about it. Besides, after what happened between us I don't even think it was needed. 

I silently envied Lando for falling asleep so quickly and easily. Whilst it took me what it felt like eternity, he was deep in the embrace of slumber in a matter of a few seconds.

Through the darkness of the quiet room, only the sounds of Lando's quiet snores, I was finally drifting to sleep after the long eventful day.

When I thought there was nothing else about to happen, my mind slowly shutting off, Lando began to shift around, just like he did last night.

Low incomprehensible murmurs were heard again, making me turn to the Brit laying beside me, propping myself up so I could look at him. He was deep asleep, but dreaming again, "I can't."

I furrowed my brows as he shifted around. His calm cadence of breathing quickened, his face scrunching. I didn't understand a thing.

His body was tense, I could see it even when there was practically no light. He stirred restlessly, his hands grabbing on the pillows amidst the silent begs for help. Deciding to intervene, I reached for his hand, whispering, "Shhh, it's okay."

Silently mumbling something incoherent, his fingers dug into the palm of my hand, the intense desperation surprising me. I whispered quietly, moving closer to him and squeezing his hand, "Lando, it's just a dream."

"I can't—" his strained voice sent a pang through my heart. He looked like he couldn't wake up, his eyebrows knit together, jaw tight.

Continuing to comfort him, I kept rubbing his hand, offering quiet reassurances, remembering that whenever I had nightmares when I was little, my dad always held my hand and kept me company. So that's what I was doing too.

Suddenly, Lando jolted upright with a gasp, momentarily startling me. His face buried in the palms of his hands as he let out an exasperated breath. I sat beside him, a hand on his back as a reminder that he wasn't alone, whispering, "It was just a dream. You're okay now."

I've never seen him like this before. So..shaken up? Distraught? Scared?

He shook his head from side to side, taking a deep breath, "I hate this." My fingers traced soothing patterns on his back as he continued, voice trembling ever so slightly, "Sometimes I just can't wake up. It's like I'm trapped."

"Do you have some sort of sleeping problems?" I asked, assuming that he had already looked it up since this is already familiar to him.

"I guess... When I was younger I used to sleep talk and it eventually came to this point where it's really hard for me to wake up from my dream or nightmare, even when I try my best," he replied, propping his head on his hand that rested against his leg. "Jon said it could be parasomnia or something. I don't know."

We sat on the bed in silence in the dark room, only the quiet breeze of air coming in through the slightly open door making noise once in a while. My hand was still on his back, as he focused his gaze outside from the window.

"I hope I didn't say anything that startled you," he broke the silence with a chuckle, turning his head to look at me.

"You didn't, don't worry," I acknowledged with a small smile, taking my hand back and folding both of them on my lap. Couple of questions crossed my mind, but I didn't want to push him into saying anything he didn't want. "Are you okay? It seemed pretty scary."

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