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The rest of the car ride was spent by us two sitting silently. Well, Lando was focusing on driving - if he wasn't texting someone on the phone when we were waiting at traffic lights - and I was awkwardly looking around, not exactly knowing what to do.

That was until the car pulled into a much less busy driveway, with a bunch of houses framing the street. Lando turned and stopped in front of a big modern house with black roof, same coloured windows and doors, clicking on a remote which opened the garage that we then entered with the car.

"Let's go," he said as he took his phone from the holder on the dashboard and climbed out of the car.

Because I'm certainly not used to being in such luxury cars as a McLaren, I was a little confused by the door opening. When I finally got out of the car, I saw Lando smirking at me. "What?" I said in a monotone voice.

"Nothing," his smirk didn't leave his face as he motioned his hands toward a door, "After you."

"What a gentleman you are," I rolled my eyes but followed his hand anyways.

We entered the main part of the house and I was met with a lot of black and white. He then led me into a room which was a living room. It was very spacious, with a large white sofa, a TV on the wall and some plants as decorations. 

"You have a beautiful house," I complimented politely as he said a quick thank you. Right after I said it, my phone started buzzing in my purse. I took it out and accepted the call.

"Hi Char," I smiled.

"Are you okay, Elianna? Are you safe?"

"Woah, woah, calm down," I said quickly as I heard how worried he sounded, "I'm okay, Lando took me to his house."

"I'm thankful, he let me know about everything," Charles said, his voice more calm now.

I eyed Lando, who was standing in the doorway, "Of course he did."

Lando put his hands up in surrender and left the room right after, to who knows where, which left me alone with Charles on the call.

"Did you have a panic attack?"

"No, I don't think so..maybe a smaller version of it, but definitely not an attack," I explained as I paced around the room. It was simply decorated - two posters of some black and white pictures on the wall and cactuses next to the sofa. "But I'm glad Lando took me out of there."

"I always knew Zane was no good for you," Charles was fuming, "Thank god Lando was there, I don't even want to think what that piece of shit would do to you."

"He didn't get the chance to do anything," I sat down on the edge of the sofa when I started to get tired of walking around in the same pattern. "I just don't really know what to do now. I want to go home but.."

"I'd invite you to my house but unfortunately it's over 1000 kilometres from you," he chuckled, lighting up the mood with his comment.

I grinned, "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec, just give me one of your formula cars - well, actually I'll ask Lando to give me his winning one."

"Ouch, that was personal."

"Cry about it," I mocked, "On the serious note, I think I'll go to my brother's place or call Amanda..or get on a train to my dad's place. I'll text you later, okay?"

"Alright, just don't do anything stupid, bye Eli."

I said my goodbyes and ended the call. I thought I was still alone in the room until I spotted Lando in the doorway with two glasses of water in his hands, "Why do you two sound like old people when you call."

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