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I'm coming to the race.

The same night I found Zane with the other girl in that restaurant, I made a call to Charles confirming I will come to the race. I knew that maybe I was just running from my responsibilities but I needed to calm my mind before making hot-headed decisions. Nevertheless, I was confident about my decision.

However as soon as I stepped into the airport area, it was as if everything fell down on me, crushing everything inside my body.

"This is going to be the death of me," I pressed the phone to my ear and held it with my shoulder, while both holding my bag with all the documents that my life literally depends on and pushing my suitcase behind me.

In a nutshell, I hate flying. Especially alone.

"You'll be fine, you won't die. I'll be there when you land, okay?" Charles's sleepy voice rang through the call. It was six in the morning for him and I was about to board on the plane. Calling Charles was the first thing I did after going through the security control, he said it was fine and he doesn't mind being awoken like this.

I was grateful to get an opportunity like this and more than happy to see him again after a while. But still I was thinking about what's about to come. The biggest no of this trip was the media. And yes, that's probably the only reason why I didn't want to go, scratching the part where I also didn't want to go because of Zane. Being a best friend of a famous Formula One driver is both a dream and a nightmare, and I will surely get the full-time experience once I get spotted with him. I can already see the articles. I feel kind of sorry for the girls who date F1 drivers, or just hang out with them, because they have to deal with this on a daily basis. I don't think I could manage it.

But after all the consideration, I'm here, at Heathrow airport, about to step into an airplane which will take me to Miami so I can attend Charles's race.

"Ugh, fine," I arched my brows and looked around. There were many families and friends that were about to go on their vacations, or people dressed in business suits probably on their job duties. And then there was me. Hair tied into two braids, covered by the hood of my oversized hoodie, glasses on my nose, sweatpants and a camera around my neck. A clown for those who are dressed in a suit. But do I care? Not really.

Well, not until when a kid, who was probably six, looked at me and arched his brows. "Bro, I think there's a kid who's going to kill me with his gaze," I said in a hurry, receiving a wheeze from Charles, "Oh god, do you think he knows I'm calling with you?"

"There are many Charleses in the world," Charles said, "You could be talking to King Charles, since you're British, you know."

"Haha, so funny, Charles," I squinted my eyes and furrowed my brows in annoyance, even though he couldn't see my reaction. He would mock me if he did. "But seriously, I'm starting to be terrified for my dear life."

"Do you have the chain on your camera I gave you right now?"



He means the red chain with the prancing horse? The Ferrari chain? Yeah, forgot about that one.

"He might be a fan."

"In that case he's calculating how easy it is to steal it from me," I said in a monotone voice and turned around so I no longer saw the suspicious child. "Nevermind, I'm going to the restroom, in case you don't hear from me in another ten hours, the plane crashed."

"Okay, Madame Drame," Charles huffed with a grin, "See you at the funeral, I'll make sure they play my song."

"MIA23, pretty please, grazie, merci, whatever," I rambled.

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