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"Have you seen Lando with that model?"

"Is there anything going on between you and Lando? Or is he with that girl?"

"Elianna! Say hi to Lando!"

I put on my glasses with a small smile as I walked past the screaming crowd of fans that were here for the British Grand Prix. Heading toward the McLaren hospitality, I took a shot of the surroundings with my camera as I was vlogging yet again.

I exchanged quick greetings with the McLaren staff as my steps continued to the certain driver's room. Not bothering to wait after I knocked on the door, I swung it open and stepped inside, finding Lando with his bare chest on full display, who was just getting into his race gear.

"Shit, sorry."

Should've thought about waiting. Good one, Elianna.

"Didn't know you were that eager to see me, damn," he immediately commented as I facepalmed myself and covered my eyes. He kept standing there, doing something on his phone. I found myself unintentionally peeking at him through the space between my fingers that 'kept me from looking at him'.

"If you want to look, just look."

I huffed, irritation taking over me and as if it wouldn't be too much already, there was a knock on the door, continued by it opening and revealing a blond woman, dressed in papaya attire. The McLaren PR manager Zoe stood in the door to Lando's room with wide eyes that kept going between me and him. "Well I see you two are already sorting things out."

"Zoe, it's not—"

"Oh, trust me, Zoe, we are," Lando said nonchalantly and finally threw his black fireproof top on. I let out an exasperated breath and looked at him with furrowed brows, in which he only arched one and turned his back to me to throw his phone on his massage bed.

"In fact, we were doing nothing."

"To be fair, I don't really care what you two were doing, the only thing I care about is this, Lando, please listen to me for once," she said in a serious tone and Lando only gave her an uninterested look. If I were Zoe, I'd probably slap him for that. I seriously admired her for managing to keep her head calm. Guess that comes with years of practice, especially with working with Lando.

"Can you tell me, why of all things that you could do, you chose to go out with a girl, whilst you're supposed to make everyone believe you're dating Elianna?"

Yesterday night, after the practice sessions, Lando was seen out with a gorgeous model and seemed to be having fun. Media was all over it of course, and the spotlight was soon put on me.

"I was bored and needed distractions?" he asked rhetorically and Zoe crossed her arms on her chest, while she still carried some files in her hands.

"Are you out of your mind? Lando, we're trying to beguile practically the whole world and you decide to go out just because you were bored? Get a grip, please," Zoe said with a harsh tone which made my respect go higher for her. She cleared her throat and looked at the ground, "So, as a solution to fix Lando's mistakes, you two are going to be together at all times. And you're going to make it official."

She walked out of the door without saying anything else. I looked at Lando, who stood there glued to his place and with pursed lips. He looked up at me and I shrugged, "I'll be outside."

I went outside of his room and stood in the hall, texting Charles where we will meet up later. That was the perks of all of this and the only thing that kept me sane.

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