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All I could see on my social media timeline was Lando kissing my cheek before the qualifying session. And I think it was trying to haunt me like a ghost because everywhere I checked, I saw my red face that was speaking for itself.

And Lando didn't forget to tease me about it, "I should probably do that more often, it's funny." We drove in his McLaren toward the Silverstone track and played music that was connected through my phone.

"No, because it's making me uncomfortable."

"Lies, you love it."

"I hate physical touch and me being red is the indicator that I'm mad," I rambled and both he and I knew I was lying again. He smirked, his ego all boosted up because he knew he had such an impact on me. For whatever reason.

A wave of fans appeared as he drove forward, often stopping to give autographs and me helping the fans giving him gifts that I was stacking under my feet - he would surely take care of that later, besides, it was his problem to solve.

We got through the entrance, Lando went to debrief and change into his attire and I joined him in the garages. This day, however, was a little different from the others because Lando's parents were both here. So we had another play to do.

As we were approaching the garages, he squeezed my hand a little tighter than usual. It made me confused, but I decided to copy his actions, feeling that maybe he was just feeling nervous. So far it was just him meeting my friends, but never me meeting his whole friend group or family.

"Lando! Honey! I'm so happy to see you, my boy," a voice of a woman exclaimed as we entered the garages, revealing a woman that I immediately knew was Lando's mother.

Lando let go of my hand and hugged his mum tightly whilst I stayed behind him with a fond smile. Then a man, who already secured the McLaren headphones that were around his neck, approached and went for a hug as well. That I assumed was his father.

"Mum, dad, I'd like you to meet someone," Lando started as he pulled away from his dad and my stomach tightened. He turned his head to look at me and motioned for me to step to his side, "This is my girlfriend Elianna. Eli, these are Adam and Cisca, my parents."

Cisca smiled and wrapped her arms around me, which made me feel comfortable around her in an instant. With Adam I shook hands. I could tell he was a good man, who was proud of his son. Honestly, who wouldn't be.

The introductions were made and Lando was called to get into his car shortly after, which left me alone with his mother Cisca, as Adam went to the mechanics.

"So how did you two meet? I knew there was a girl that Lando mentioned but he wasn't sharing any details," Cisca asked as we leaned against the wall of the garage in the back.

"We properly met in May, when I went to support Charles in Miami. We knew about each other for a longer time before that via Charles, but really got to meet there at the Grand Prix," I explained. The part where Lando knew about me but I wasn't particularly interested in knowing him back then was left unspoken.

"I see..you're Charles Leclerc's friend right?"

"Yes, that's right," I nodded, "I've known him since I was little, so he's like a brother to me."

She smiled at me fondly, "Oh I know, these types of friendships are very dear to me," she agreed, "So what do you do for work?"

For half of the race we spent talking with Cisca about almost every type of topic. She also told me some stories about Lando when he was starting with motorsport, which I never knew I needed to hear, but now I'd definitely use it for my benefit.

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