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Walking through the golden lit veranda, surprised by my own newfound confidence of walking just in the two pieces of fabric covering only small parts of my body, I reached the swimming pool. I blamed the outburst of my self assurance on the wine we were drinking earlier.

"Fancy seeing you here," Lando hid his momentarily surprise by smirking. His eyes studied me without any particular shame, making me run my hands through my hair and bring it forward to hide myself at least a little.

"Just thought I could cool down," I shrugged, sitting down on the edge of the pool and dipping my legs in the water.

He was swimming in circles, keeping close to my presence, his face lit up by the dim light of the pool, which was also reflecting the moonlight of the clear night sky.

I shifted my gaze from him to the background, the little Tuscany hills now hidden in dark, yet still beautiful and calm.

"I think I found my new favourite destination," Lando broke the comfortable silence, swimming toward the other edge of the pool and back.

"Here?" I asked, my legs gently kicking through the sparkling water.

He nodded with a hum, "It's peaceful. Not many places have such energy."

"Couldn't agree more," I said.

Few minutes of silence passed by, Lando swimming around and me just looking at the water underneath me, captured in my thoughts, mainly making my own summary of what I've gotten to know this evening during our talk.

"Aren't you gonna swim?"

I looked down to Lando, who was right in front of me, a few millimetres from my legs. I gave him a lopsided grin, "Nah, I think I'm good here."

Yet every scheming thought clouded his judgement. Before I knew it, I was pulled down to the water, my skin making contact with the cool water. It wasn't cold, but the shock was real.

When I surfaced again, I found him laughing his ass off, barely keeping himself above the surface. "Why did you do that?!" I yelled, wiping the water from my face.

"You should—see—" he tried to say in between his uncontrollable laugh, his eyes squeezing shut together.

"You just had to complete whatever you wanted to do earlier, huh," I remembered about how he nearly dropped me to water earlier that day.

"Smart girl," he winked, making me scrunch my nose and shake my head.

"You're such a prick."

"Oh am I?" Lando raised his eyebrows, "A lot of people say that, it's a compliment by now."

I gave him an uninterested look, as he leaned his head to the side, "A cocky one too."

"That I know for sure," his hand went through his hair, the curls dishevelled from water.

I pursed my lips and in the moment when he couldn't react fast enough, my arms went to his shoulders, putting my entire weight on him, dipping him underwater. To avoid being pulled under myself, I quickly turned and swam away.

However, he was a lot quicker than I thought, two strong arms suddenly taking me by my waist and pulling me down. A yelp escaped my lips before all I could feel was water. And a body right against mine.

Both of us resurfaced at the same time, meeting face to face. I was captured by his mesmerising eyes, glistening with the reflection from water, the same as droplets of water that ran down his face.

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