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I've never been to Austria before. To be quite frank, I didn't even have the desire to visit it in any way. But then actually coming here for the race and seeing the beauty of the mountains and the fresh air made me change my opinion about the country.

As planned before, me and Lando met up with Charles and Daniel in the hotel lobby at six in the evening. Turned out, we stumbled across Max Verstappen with his girlfriend Kelly, who were just about to go on a little trip to Spielberg as well, and decided to join our group.

First things first we went to one of the local restaurants because the drivers were hungry and I quote "needed fuel after the race". On our way there, some fans approached - in which me and Kelly happily helped with getting them an autograph or delivered the gifts they had for the drivers.

One of the gifts was from a girl that could be around nine years old, who was clearly a McLaren fan. She handed me an embroidered bracelet with LN on it and said - in a broken English mixed with German - she made it herself for her favourite driver. I promised to give him the bracelet and she smiled shyly before she wrapped her arms around me, caughting me in an unexpected hug that made my silly heart warm in awe.

I made my way to Lando after we got away from the fans, all smiley and giddy from the cute interaction, in which he immediately furrowed his brows and smirked, "What's got you so chuffed?"

"Little gift for you from an adorable fan," I handed him the bracelet that he examined in his hands, smiling contently before he slid it onto his hand that was already wrapped in a lot of other bracelets. He didn't seem like he minded that.

We got into the restaurant, where we sat down to a big table. I was sat between Charles and Lando, with Kelly on the opposite side of me in the middle of Daniel and Max. We ordered our food and chatted whilst waiting.

"Oh! Do you remember that one time when we flew together on a plane and you took unreasonably long in the restroom?"

"Not this again, please," Charles whined and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Daniel on the other hand wasn't looking like he would stop with the story and I decided to push Charles even more.

"Actually, Charles did that a few times when we were on vacations together as well - I remember one time when we flew to Italy, he spent like an hour there."

"Do you think he has a phobia of flying?"

"I believe that's called aerophobia, right?"

"Alright you two! You just decided to conspire against me and torture me today, it works, congratulations!" Charles exclaimed with throwing his arms in the air, annoyance visible in his eyes.

I patted him playfully on his arm, "You're just really easy to tease and of course I'm not gonna let myself not join the fun."

"Ay! You're my new partner in crime," Daniel reached his hand toward me and gave me a fist bump at which we all laughed - except for Charles who was still pretending to be angry with us and Lando, who was giving us a dirty look.

"I thought I was your partner in crime?" Lando asked the Aussie with furrowed brows, at which Daniel waved a hand at him.

"This girl is better at mischief, sorry brother."

"Okay, first you steal my manager by charming her and now you're gonna steal my partner in crime? What else is on your bucket list?" Lando turned to me and I looked at him with pursed lips, pretending to think.

"She's gonna steal your heart," Max said completely unbothered but it caught both me and the Brit next to me off guard. We looked at each other for a split second before Lando quickly looked up to the waiter that was approaching with the food.

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