Chapter 26-30

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  Chapter 26

  ◎Jiang Battalion Commander can also be deflated! ◎

  Hearing that the sister-in-law came to beg for food, Jiang Guoguo handed over her lunch box without saying a word.

  The child had a small appetite, so Ning Qiao only broke a small piece of steamed bun and shared it with Fu Qianran. Although it doesn't matter how full you are, it's better to have a little stomach pad than nothing.

  These days, unless the relationship between the two families is particularly good, few people stay at other people's homes for dinner.

  Ning Qiao and Fu Qianran reckoned that if they were in the compound, they would be too embarrassed to knock on the door for food, but now they are in the third-grade classroom of the primary school in the military region.

  Zhan Xiafei shared some mustard with Ning Qiao and Fu Qianran.

  The other children are also innocent and pure, each of them has a lunch box, and half of the food in it can be distributed to them every minute.

  "No, no, keep it for yourself."

  "Little sister-in-law eat!" An older child shouted.

  When Zhan Xiafei heard this, his eyes widened. Zhong Dakai actually called "little sister-in-law"! This is absolutely unacceptable, Jiang Guoguo is stingy, and will have a straight face to settle accounts with him at any time.

  But she stared at Jiang Guoguo silently for a long time, her mouth moved, and she seemed to have exhausted all her strength, and finally suppressed her urge to trouble Zhong Da.

  Seeing this, Zhan Xiafei also cautiously called out: "Sister-in-law eat..."

  After the words fell, she pretended to be nonchalant, and after waiting for a long time, she didn't hear Jiang Guoguo's fierce voice, so she turned her head quietly.

  Sure enough, Jiang Guoguo looked stunned, but he was still enduring it.

  Zhan Xiafei accepted it as soon as he saw it, and grinned.

  Jiang Guoguo's face was almost turning green.

  The little sister-in-law is hers, and she can share it with the second and third brothers at most. How can the classmates in the class shout like that?

  She really wanted to lose her temper, but when she raised her eyes, her sister-in-law's gentle and warning eyes made her shut her mouth tightly again. My sister-in-law said that day, be polite, and when others greet you with a smile, she'd better not get mad indiscriminately.

  This is too difficult.

  Jiang Guoguo sighed faintly in his heart.

  Ning Qiao and Fu Qianran grabbed a few pieces of steamed buns from the children and put them together, the portion was big, and with pickled mustard, it became a lunch that could fill their stomachs.

  When leaving, Ning Qiao thanked softly, and asked everyone to come back to play at home.

  Among the many students in the class, few like Jiang Guoguo. She didn't know good and bad, didn't understand reason, and was extremely fierce. She would quarrel with others at every turn, and if she couldn't win the quarrel, she went home to rescue soldiers and brought her second and third brothers over. They had met Jiang Guoguo's second and third brothers, as well as the eldest brother who came to uphold justice, without exception, no one was easy to mess with.

  Probably the students lowered their expectations too low. When they saw Jiang Guoguo's sister-in-law just now, everyone immediately liked her. The little sister-in-law likes to laugh, her eyes are crooked when she laughs, and she speaks softly. Who can refuse her?

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