𝖩𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗅𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 𝗒𝗈𝗎.

72 4 2

24 𝒎𝒂𝒚,2008


-Lorana was in the hospital,the doctor said she SHOULD stay there for two weeks now,she needs some rest,but even in that condition she still managed to say Tom's name the first moment she opened her eyes.

-Everyone was there when she was sleeping.Tom stayed the whole night with her in the hospital,the media knows about them now and it was going to be a hard life for both of them.Half of their fans loved them and their story but most of them hated one of them.

-As soon as Bill got his phone he called Fiona and she got there with the girls.It was a huge mess when the cameras and that whole thing got together with the band in the hospital's hall.

-Tom wanted to go at the hotel so he left after he kissed her in the forehead.Bill also went with him but he ignored Fiona for the whole time,the girls were confused about that but they were much more worried about Lorana so they didn't waste their time in his ignorance for Fiona.

-Now Lorana woke up amd searched for Tom,Fiona smiled and told her about everything.

-"he left again!?"-Lorana asked starting to tear up again.

-"he said he wanted to go to the hotel,I'm pretty sure he needed some rest and sleep too,he was staying near you the whole night when we wasn't here...he will comeback don't worry,now just sleep and rest cuz we meed you Rana"-Fiona said and patted slightly Lorana's hairs.

-"My right leg is hurting,did they do smth to me there?"-she asked making the girls do a sad face.

-"you fell in the rock...you don't remember?"-Emma said and started coming near her.

-"oh...yeah I remember now"-she said and smiled.

-"look,I don't wanna stress you or anything but you have the right to know everything that's going on for you and Tom outside there....the fans are a little too curious for you two and Tom seems unbothered with all of this,he really cares about you Rana"-Fiona said as she hold Lorana's hand.

-"well,it's a thing that was meant to be a secret but however now I don't really wanna focuse there,tomorrow I'll go to the hotel and start doing some new music,I have lots of ideas"-she said smiling as the girls smiled at her too.

-"uhmm...you're staying here for two weeks Rana,that's what the doctor said today"-Emma said and Miá came to Lorana on the other side of her bed where Rana was laying.

-"you'll get better I know it"-Miá says and hugs her.

-"ouchhh"-Lorana whispered as she felt her hand which Fiona was holding hurted.

-"I'm sorryy Rana,I forgo-"-she was cut off by Lorana saying it's alright.

-"you wanna eat something?"-Emma asked her and she said no.

-"you should eat something,just a little cuz gou have some pills to drink today Rana"-Emma continued speaking as Lorana was getting angry for the fact she really didn't want to eat anything.

-"I don't want to Emma"-she said making the girls see that it was a waste of time trying to make her eat,so they ordered some fast food as Lorana watched them eating and feeling not even a motive to eat anymore.

-"Excuse me"-Fiona said as her phone rang and she walked off the room to answer it.

-'I hope it's Bill'-Lorana said in her mind.

-She came inside the room and started looking excited.

-"Tom is coming Rana"-she said making Lorana straight up and sit on her bed.

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