Strictly Business: Chapter 4

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"You are going through with this??" Anne set down her fork with a clatter, staring incredulously at her daughter.

"Mom, come on. I know the idea is insane but it is perfect! I'm that close to Grandma's dream, you can't expect me to give up now. Whether you agree or not, I'm doing this." Elizabeth tried to convince her mother as she lifted another bite of chicken to her mouth.

It was late evening and the family are having dinner together in the small family dining room as they often did.

Anne held her head in her hands. "Oh my god, I do not believe I'm hearing this. This is all your fault!" cried Anne as she flicked her napkin at her husband.

David wiped his mouth on his napkin and looked at his daughter. "Are you sure Elizabeth? You do know Uncle William and I will never force you to do anything you're not willing to."

"Dad I've thought this through. I admit I didn't really take to this idea at first but I've given this serious thought and I realise you and Uncle William are right. This would work," Elizabeth replied.

"Elizabeth..." Anne started to protest. "Mom would you rather have my heart broken or money cheated by a man who goes after me because I'm a Westville? I've had one too many." Elizabeth looked at her mother.

Anne knew she was fighting a losing battle. "Alright but anytime you're unhappy or this doesn't work out, the deal's off. Right David?" Anne shot her husband a glance.



Two days later, Shane and his father were perusing the wine list in a private room at their favourite restaurant when the Westvilles walked in. Shane stood up as the Westvilles approached their seats and was stunned for a moment when he saw Elizabeth. That's Lizzy? Wow she sure did some growing up, Shane thought as he resumed his seat.

Elizabeth studied Shane out of the corner of her eye as they all looked through their menus. He really is quite good looking, it's no wonder all those starlets and models fawn all over him, she thought.

Having made their dinner selections, David turned to Shane. "Haven't seen you in a while Shane. Up to any mischief lately?" David teased, his eyes twinkling.

"Oh just the usual, traveling around the world, leaving a trail of devastated women in my wake," Shane deadpanned. David roared with laughter.

Shane grinned and set down his wineglass. "Uncle David, Dad told me all about the plan both of you cooked up. I see your point but I'm sure there's a different approach we could take. Marriage seems so drastic."

"It's not a marriage in all sense of the word. It's more of a business partnership, albeit a really weird one, strictly business. Believe me I'm not that keen on rushing to the altar too, real or otherwise. I'm sure we can work out an arrangement that would not dampen our individual lifestyles." Elizabeth spoke up. "Think you can handle it?"

Shane looked at Elizabeth scornfully. "If a woman can handle it, there's no reason I should hem and haw like a wuss."

"Great! Shall we lay down the terms and conditions then?" said Elizabeth brightly.

"Always the business woman aren't we?" Shane retorted.

"Always," Elizabeth folded her arms, "Firstly, separate bedrooms."

"Fine with me. No interference in each other's lives. You don't question what I do, where I go." Shane fingered his wineglass.

"Fine. Same goes for me, you don't interfere in my work or control me. Wedding?" Elizabeth leaned forward.

"Simple. We'll let our parents fuss about the guest list and venue. Honeymoon?" Shane leaned in as well.

"None. We'll say we're putting it off because of the upcoming tender and will take it at our preference." 

"Good idea. And," Shane paused, "if you should ever find someone and want out, you're free to do so anytime." He turned to their parents. "Dad, Uncle David?" David and William looked at each other and David responded, "While this is a business deal, your happiness is of number one priority. Should any one of you feel unhappy in the situation, we will not force you to carry on. If and when that happens, I'm sure we can work out something for the two companies."

"Right that's settled then. Looks like we're off to a good start. Strictly business?" Shane looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled, "Strictly business."


Hi hi!! I'm so happy my readership is slowly growing. It's really encouraging. What do you think of the story so far? There's not much action yet but it'll come soon I promise!! It'll get a lot more interesting in upcoming chapters. Do leave a comment to let me know what you think and what I can improve on. It'll be a great help. Thanks!!

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