Strictly Business: Chapter 26

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EDIT(11March2017): Hi all, I have edited this chapter and took out the original sex scene. Reading it again I felt it was badly written and didn't really help with the story. Major cringe in fact. So I took it out. Hopefully it reads better now.

Please do continue to support me by reading, voting and commenting.




"You. Are. Insane." Elizabeth declared as she stood at the hotel window, staring out at the Eiffel Tower.

"You said you were craving for some nice Coq au vin and so I brought you to the best I know," Shane said mock innocently.

"Still...Paris?" Elizabeth turned around and looked at him incredulously.

"Wait til you try it. You can yell at me if that is not the best Coq au vin you ever tried," he walked over to her and pulled her hips to his, wrapping his hands around her back. "After dinner, we can go for a nice romantic walk and maybe breakfast in bed tomorrow morning." He smiled at her suggestively.

"Same bed? You presume a lot mister," Elizabeth scolded playfully.

"What's wrong? We're husband and wife and tonight I'll like to claim a little right given to me as a husband," he whispered as he lowered his lips on hers and started the kiss slow and deep.


"You are spoiling me," Elizabeth sighed as she snuggled closer to Shane. They were both enjoying a leisurely stroll along River Seine after dinner at a cosy restaurant.

"I take pride in it," he smiled against her hair. "All work and no play makes Elizabeth a very dull girl. I plan to show you as much fun as I can, Shane-style."

Elizabeth laughed. "What's Shane-style?"

"Well just to begin with, trips to amazing places, spontaneous romantic dinners, yacht rides under the moon and lots and lots of Shane," he grinned devilishly.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and punched him playfully. "You arrogant idiot."

"How about this arrogant idiot take you back to the hotel and show you more fun Shane-style?" He waggled his eyebrows cheekily at her as he wrapped her in his arms.

Elizabeth giggled.


"Hello Nolt."

Shane and Mason dragged chairs up to Chris' table and seated themselves causally.

"What are you doing here? Please leave, you are disturbing my lunch," he scowled as he picked up his wine glass.

"Oh, we'll leave soon enough. We just want to show you this." Shane ignored his scowl and threw a sheet of folded paper in front of Chris.

He eyed the two of them warily as he flipped it open. He scanned it quickly and tossed it back down. "Why are you showing me this driver's license?"

"Don't you recognise the girl in it? Oh right, she was wearing a lot of makeup that night, wasn't she Shane?" Mason asked.

"Ok, that's Tiffany. What about it?" He gave the paper another glance.

"Look at the part where it says date of birth," Shane smirked.

Annoyed, Chris studied the paper again. His eyes widened in shock when they found the information they wanted him to see. "Sixteen?! She told me she was twenty!"

"It's amazing what girls can do with makeup huh Shane? I've learnt one lesson here, never trust what you see."

Chris stared at the two of them, his mind connecting the dots quickly. "You set me up!" Chris spat and quickly lowered his voice, looking around the restaurant nervously. "OK so what if she is sixteen. We didn't do anything, you can't prove we did."

Mason threw a mobile phone onto the table. "I love camera phones. Just leave it on the night table and you get a little homemade porn. What's better is how easy it is to upload it onto the internet. Gotta love technology. Want to look Chris?"

"You think this little video will prove anything? My lawyers can dismiss the credibility of this in seconds," he sneered.

"Perhaps. But guess what Grandma will say when her good-for-nothing grandson, her words, is dragged up to court of charges of felony and the video all over the internet for everyone to see? I bet she won't be too happy," Shane commented mildly, examining the glass in front of him.

"Oh my god, she cannot know. I'll be cut from her will!" Chris buried his face in his hands.

"It doesn't have to go that way."

Chris looked at them suspiciously and slumped in his seat, defeated. "What do you want?"

Shane and Mason smiled at each other.


Did I get it right? Please comment!

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