Strictly Business: Chapter 14

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Elizabeth stirred and opened her eyes groggily. Where am I? she looked around in a daze. Why am I in my bedroom in the Preston estate? She sat up slowly, her body felt like lead. She struggled to recall why she was back at the Preston estate instead of the service apartment.

I think I was at Nicholas' apartment last night. I suddenly got very tired and Nicholas was going to send me home. And then I don't remember anything else. I must have really knocked out. She looked around again. I guess I never told Nicholas I was staying at the service apartment.

She dragged herself to her bathroom. I need a vacation after this whole project, she decided as she stepped into the hot shower. Something made her scrub her body harder than usual. Why do I feel so grimy? She stayed in the shower longer than usual and stepped out feeling only marginally better.

She entered the kitchen to find Simmons and Shane sitting at the island counter. "Hey, you're back."  She was surprised to see Shane there. He sure looks exhausted for a guy who just got back from a short getaway. Where did he go? she wondered.That night at the gala was still fresh on her mind and she didn't really know how to break the silence, so she hid her awkwardness by making herself a cup of tea. She turned to find the two men studying her.

"What?" Simmons and Shane looked particularly grim. Simmons stole a quick glance at Shane who was staring at his cup of coffee.

"It's nothing, Miss Elizabeth," Simmons gave her a smile. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Bone weary, now that you mentioned it. I guess I really have been working too hard. Remind me to book a week long vacation at the Maldives after we are done with the tender," she laughed.

"You've earned it Miss Elizabeth. I can help you book the biggest villa they've got. But are you sure you're alright? You didn't look that good last night," Simmons commented.

"Yeah I think I am. Being so exhausted that I can't remember how I got home is ringing alarm bells for me. It's weird but last night's all fuzzy. Maybe I need to make an appointment with my doctor to make sure nothing's wrong," she frowned.

"Oh yes, that would be a good idea," Simmons agreed quickly.

Elizabeth looked at Shane, biting her lower lip. "Erm, Simmons? Could you send someone over to my apartment and bring my stuff back?"

"Certainly, Miss Elizabeth. I'll send someone over this afternoon." Shane did not look up from his cup. Not really knowing what to say to him, Elizabeth took her cup of tea and left the kitchen.

Simmons made sure she was out of earshot before saying quietly, "She doesn't know a thing about last night." Shane buried his face in his hands as Simmons clasped his shoulder.


"Is she alright?" Mason asked Shane as they worked on weights at the gym. It was the second day after they rescued Elizabeth from the hotel room. Shane needed an outlet, he couldn't stand another minute alone with the scenes from that night replaying in his head. It was a quiet afternoon at the gym they frequented and perfect for speaking privately.

"She doesn't remember anything from that night. Simmons sort of probed. She looks alright. Elizabeth may be strong but I don't think she could have hidden such a trauma from us. She was not acting," grunted Shane as he finished his bench presses and moved to the punching bag, putting on his gloves.

"What are you going to do about Beaste?" Mason asked warily.

Shane did not answer, he just stood there. He suddenly started pummeling the punching bag, giving it all he's got.

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