Strictly Business: Chapter 18

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"God this feels good! That's it, I'm not moving from this spot ever," Elizabeth proclaimed as she stretched out on a towel on the front deck of Shane's yacht.

Shane smiled from the wheel. "Then we'll have to scrape you off the deck after you get baked into it. I'm not sure I can sell a yacht that has a life sized body imprint on it."

Elizabeth turned and scowled at Shane. "Whatever. Nothing you say is going to spoil my mood today. I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can."

"Go ahead, that's what this trip is for. You've earned it."

Shane steered the yacht forward and checked the weather report. The two of them are taking a well deserved vacation after finally completing the submission for the tender. They have a week before they'll know the results so Elizabeth gave the team the whole week off as a reward. Shane suggested they take a cruise around the surrounding islands on his yacht for a couple of days to relax. Elizabeth did not need to be asked a second time.

Shane consulted his charts. He planned to take the yacht to one of the small islands nearby where they can have a picnic lunch. He skimmed the horizon for a sign of the island. His eyes dropped to the sight of Elizabeth lazing on her towel in front of him. She was wearing a blue bikini and lying on an rainbow coloured large beach towel. A large pair of sunglasses shaded her eyes. This was the first time Shane seen so much colours on her. She usually wore very sedate colours in the office. Either way, she looks hot. He drank in the sight of her long legs, slim hips and toned stomach. A very nice view indeed.

"Eyes forward please Shane. I don't want to get moored on a reef or something," Elizabeth commented.

"How is it you always know?" Shane asked, a little annoyed that she caught him once again.

"I thought I could feel two points burning into me that had nothing to do with the sun," she said lazily.

"What? There's a hot babe in a bikini in front of me and I'm not supposed to look?" he teased.

"Haha, quit the flattery and eyes ahead."


Elizabeth stirred. Wow I actually fell asleep. It's past noon now, no wonder I'm so hot. Think I'll cool off with a quick dip, she thought as she scrambled up from her towel. As she stood up, she realised that the yacht was anchored a short distance from a tiny island and Shane seemed to be missing. She found him at the back of the yacht, sitting by a cooler box with a fishing rod.

"Hey there you are." she joined him. "Ooo, are we fishing for our lunch? Here let me help."

Shane stared as she studied the water below. "Looks like we can get some good mackerel here." She picked up a rod, deftly baited the hook and cast the line out like a pro. She settled down beside him.

Elizabeth laughed at his wide-eyed expression. "What? Thought the little rich girl is only good in the office? My grandpa loved to bring me camping and fishing when I was a little girl, he's the one who taught me everything. I grill a mean mackerel, wait til you taste it. Best in the world."

"Wow." That was all Shane could manage.

After catching enough for their lunch, they went ashore on the yacht's small outboard motor. Shane gathered wood and started a small campfire while Elizabeth spread out a large blanket, set down the picnic basket and brought out the food.

Shane watched in total fascination as Elizabeth cleaned, gutted and prepared the fish, speared them on stripped down sticks and placed them over the fire. "I never thought I'll say this but THIS is a total turn-on."

"Fish guts turn you on? You're weird," Elizabeth teased. Shane rolled his eyes and passed her a bottle of water to wash her hands.

They munched on crackers and cheese as they waited for the fish to cook. Soon the air was filled with the aroma of grilled mackerel. "Hmmm, this is really good. What's your secret ingredient?" Shane asked as he peeled off chunks of fish with his hands, digging in. 

"Nothing. I only added lemon and salt. It's the freshness of the fish that makes it taste so good. Nothing beats freshly caught fish," Elizabeth licked her fingers with gusto, enjoying her fish. Shane watched her.

The sun was starting to hang low in the sky. Vivid orange and reds splashed in front them, mixing with the blues and greens of the ocean. Elizabeth leaned back and sighed. "This is so beautiful. Thanks Shane," she looked across at him, smiling.

He looked at her. The setting sun highlighted her red hair. Her tanned skin seemed to glow in the golden sunlight. Her smile was radiant, her eyes seemed to sparkle and she was looking happier and more relaxed than he ever saw her before.

"You're welcome."


Nicholas clicked through the photographs on his screen slowly, playing with his lighter. He was still angry that he wasn't able to succeed. That son-of-a-bitch just had to arrive at that time, he bristled. All that work for nothing and I had to get beat up by him, he thought furiously as he flung his lighter across the room. Shane Preston, if I don't pay you back ten times for every punch you gave me, I'm not Nicholas Beaste.

He picked up his phone and made a call. In clipped tones, he told the other party what he wanted. Slamming his phone down on the table he looked at the photos once more.


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