Strictly Business: Chapter 10

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"Honestly I don't know what's his problem. Everything was going great, we were all having fun and faster than the weather could change, he gets testy with me." Elizabeth was grumbling to Joanne over the phone as her fingers flew over the keyboard.

"He's jealous." Joanne concluded smugly.

"Jealous?! Don't be ridiculous. This marriage is a business agreement remember? He doesn't have feelings for me and if he's getting jealous because I'm his 'property' then he's a bigger pig than I thought," Elizabeth scoffed.

"And how do you know he doesn't? Come on, he spent all night going through your folder deciphering it for you so that you'll have an easier time reading it, that's pretty sweet," Joanne argued.

"Yes that was pretty sweet but I'm sure he'll do that for anyone, it meant nothing."

"God you're stubborn! Fine, you'll discover I'm right. Just wait and see."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, see you for lunch sometime this week." She hung up the phone and returned to work. Her office intercom buzzed. "Elizabeth? There's a Nicholas Beaste on the line for you. Should I put him through?" Nancy asked.

Nicholas Beaste? He may be on the panel but he's never called personally about the tender before, Elizabeth was puzzled as she took the call.

"Hi Miss Westville. Nicholas Beaste here. We met at the race?"

"Nice to hear from you, Mr Beaste, though unexpected. Is there a problem with our preliminary submissions?"

"Please, call me Nicholas. This is a personal call. I was hoping to invite you to lunch. I rather enjoyed chatting with you the other day. There's a great new restaurant not far from your office, may I have the honour?"

"Oh," Elizabeth was surprised but she couldn't find a way to reject him without being rude. "Sure I'll see you later."


"I hope this is not inappropriate," Elizabeth commented after they had given their orders.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you're on the panel for the tender and I'm from one of the companies bidding. This may look like I have an ulterior motive."

"I for one see this as a very enjoyable lunch with a beautiful woman. I don't really care what others may think. Besides I'm only one member out of a carefully selected panel of 20 individuals and government agencies. Unless you're seen dining with all of them, I hardly constitute this as trying to influence the panel."

Elizabeth smiled. "You're right. This is just lunch." "Although I hope it won't be just lunch. I'll like to see you more than that. Dinners and galas and perhaps an evening on my yacht?" Nicholas grinned at her.

"Well that's another form of inappropriate, sir. I'm a married woman." Elizabeth smiled.

"Oh I'm awfully sorry, I hope I didn't offend you. I'm not really in touch with society news, they bore me. Now I've gone and embarrassed myself," Nicholas apologised.

"That's alright, you didn't know. And i was just teasing you earlier. I may be married to Shane Preston but we have our mutual freedom. We don't really interfere in each other's lives. Do you know him?" Elizabeth asked when he noticed Nicholas's face darken.

"Oh yes yes but we are merely acquaintances I must say. We go to similar clubs and bars. He's quite the catch."

"That's what everyone tells me."

"Is everything alright?" Nicholas noticed her wistful expression.

"It's...complicated. Let's not talk about my marriage, that's boring. So you like to sail too?" They spent the rest of the meal talking about yachts and their travel. Elizabeth found herself enjoying Nicholas' company for he can be very charming and witty. She hadn't had this kind of attention from a man for a long time.


He was enjoying a brandy at his usual exclusive men's club on a Wednesday evening as was his practice every week. He spotted an old friend of his entering the luxurious lounge and waved him over.

"Didn't think I'll see you here this week. Heard rumours you've got yourself a new catch. Thought you'll be wining and dining her tonight." his friend Chris Nolt commented as he sat down on the deep leather couch.  A suave looking man in his thirties, Chris made bedding as much women as he could his career. His blonde wavy hair and chiseled cheekbones coupled with a dashing smile has been the downfall of many unsuspecting women. That and his family money. He was a cad but Nicholas didn't mind. He wasn't that far from that himself although he would like to think that he accomplished it with more finesse and class. Bedding women was more of a hobby for him, a very satisfying hobby.

"Who's your new target?" he drawled as he took a cigar from the ornate box on the coffee table.

"Elizabeth Westville." he said simply as he nursed his fine brandy.

Chris's eyes went wide. "Switching your tastes to intelligent successful women I see. Never liked them myself. Too much trouble."

"Well she's very attractive and she has an extra draw to her. She's married to Shane Preston."

Chris sputtered on his cigar and studied Nicholas. "I think I see what's brewing. Ah yes, seducing a sexy intelligent woman and paying one back to Shane. Quite an interesting conquest. This is going to be good." he chuckled.

"This is going to be a conquest but I'm not doing my usual moves. It would be pointless. Elizabeth Westville's not like those socialites or normal lonely rich men's wives. She's too prim and proper to have an affair and I owe Shane too much to only make him a cuckold." Nicholas' face turned ugly. "It gives me more pleasure to just violate his wife and discard her. I know you have what I need to accomplish that." Nicholas looked over at his friend.

"Not that I ever used it mind. Not my style, I prefer to have them begging me for more but yes I know what you meant. Just let me know when you need it." Chris lounged in his seat lazily, giving him a sly look.

"Oh I think I'll take my time with this one and torture Preston with it. It'll be very enjoyable indeed," Nicholas gave a cruel laugh.

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