Strictly Business: Chapter 24

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Elizabeth chewed her lower lip as she fired away on the keyboard. Shane had insisted on going back to work today even he has barely recovered. He said he was tired of feeling like an invalid and went out to visit the site for the new soon-to-start building Eco City, needing some fresh air. They are currently busy preparing for the groundbreaking ceremony which will commence in a few days time. There was a ton of work to be done.  

She scowled at her monitor screen and got up from her desk. She strode impatiently to the small library off her office, needing a file from there.

Why is the file you need in a hurry always on the top shelf? Elizabeth thought resignedly. She braced herself on the lower shelves, tiptoed and reached up, trying to pull the offending file out. As she nudged it slowly towards the edge, the box of papers beside it tottered dangerously.

"What are you doing? You're going to bring down the whole shelf on you," came Shane's voice from outside the library.

"I got it," panted Elizabeth as she gave a final tug. The movement dislodged the box and she shrieked as the heavy box came crashing down. Shane rushed forward and caught the box before it hit her. Elizabeth opened her eyes to see Shane pushing the box back onto the high shelf with one hand and clutching his wound with the other, wincing.

"Oh god! Is it your stitches? They must have come open. Here let me take a look" Elizabeth shepherded Shane to the couch worriedly. She swiftly unbuttoned his shirt and gasped when she saw the small patch of blood blossoming on his bandages. She quickly unwound his bandages and examined his wound carefully. "Thank god the stitches are still intact, the wound is just bleeding a little. I'll disinfect it and change the dressing." said Elizabeth in relief, hurrying over to her bag and taking out a small plastic case of disinfectant and clean bandages.

"You actually brought that out?" Shane queried, clearly amused despite his pain.

"Simmons prepared it for me. He knew you'd over-exert yourself and aggravate your wound," Elizabeth replied, cleaning up the wound and spraying disinfectant on it.

Shane gave a sharp hiss of pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just bear with it for a while ok?" Elizabeth quickly unravelled the clean bandage and began wrapping it around his waist, her arms reaching behind him to do so. Shane looked down on Elizabeth. The anxious look never left her face as she deftly bandaged him. A single tear rolled down her face and she brushed it away impatiently. "Elizabeth," Shane called her name softly. She went on winding the bandages as if she never heard him. He took her hands to stop her and gently pulled her up onto the couch beside him. She refused to look at him and stubbornly turned her face away. Tears swam in her eyes. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scared you."

Elizabeth struggled to hold back her tears. All the fear and tension that she had been holding back all this while threatened to break out of her. She began to sob against his shoulder. "When you were missing, I was so...I was so afraid you were never going to come back and when I saw you so badly hurt..." she could not continue.

Shane made shushing sounds as he rubbed her back comfortingly. He drew back from the embrace and cradled her face in his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs. "It's alright, I'm fine. And I'll never leave you. I'll always be here for you, to protect you. I love you Elizabeth."

Elizabeth's eyes widened and she blushed. Shane's eye burned with an intensity she never saw before, they were like melted sapphires. Not taking his eyes off her, Shane leaned in slowly. Before his lips could graze hers, she pulled away and dashed to the windows.

Elizabeth's heart was pounding. Oh my god what is happening? she thought breathlessly. She heard Shane come up behind her.

"Elizabeth?" Shane asked quietly.

"I don't know, I'm so confused. We agreed that this marriage was strictly business only and I think I'm just a little overwhelmed by all that had happened recently. All these feelings and emotions have been rushing through my head and I don't know what to think." the words came out of her mouth in a rush.

Shane placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. He cradled her face in his hands again and tilted it up so that she can look at him.

"Then don't think, just feel."

He kissed her.

His lips were warm and soft, his kiss gentle and heated all at the same time. Elizabeth could feel a pool of molten lava growing in the pit of her stomach as she slowly succumbed. Subconsciously she raised her hands caressing the hair on the back of his neck as she returned the kiss. Shane gave a soft moan and wrapped his arms tighter around her, drawing her closer. Elizabeth could literally feel her knees growing weak.

When they finally broke apart, they were both gasping and she felt as if the room was spinning. Shane rested his forehead on hers. "We can take things slow if this is all too fast for you," muttered Shane thickly. "Perhaps if I woo you first?" he grinned.

Elizabeth giggled. "Woo? Sheesh I haven't heard that word since my grandmother used it"

Shane rolled his eyes. "We're in an arranged marriage. I don't think we are exactly hip and trendy here."

They both laughed.

"So you're alright if we just start dating?" Shane asked.

Elizabeth nodded shyly, the happiness apparent in her eyes and they continue to hold each other in their arms, enjoying the moment.


Do I hear a hurray? Lol. Yes, finally some progress in their relationship. This was one of my favourite chapters, hope you had enjoyed it too. Please do continue to vote or comment. I have also started a new story called The Prophecy. It's a fantasy romance about a princess having to marry a prince she never met to conceive his son to save their kingdoms from an evil which would destroy them all. Description for The Prophecy:

High Priestess Elia of Valoria has been granted a vision, a prophecy. And because of this prophecy sweet gentle Princess Clarabelle must marry the arrogant Prince Bastian and conceive his son in order to save their kingdoms. Will this child really save them all?

"A darkness is looming over the land. It is an evil like no other. We have conquered it once but it will rise again and destroy all of Valoria and the kingdoms around it. Valoria and Ceptial must be united. A child of light and strength will be conceived out of this union to save us all. He is our only hope."

The spirits have spoken.

Please do read and support my new story. Any comments or feedback will be much appreciated. Thanks so much!



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