Strictly Business: Chapter 23

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Hi all,

I'm finally back! I'm now ready to dedicate more time to writing and bringing more chapters to my dear readers. I've edited Chapter 22 because I feel I didn't do a good job with the ending previously, so please re-read it if you have the time.

Enjoy this chapter while I work on the next one. Do comment or vote to leave me your much valued feedback! It's good to be back!




Shane woke up, wondering why he felt strangely much better than he had been for the past few days. A small movement made him look down. Elizabeth was nestled against him, her head half resting on his shoulder and one arm draped across his chest as she slept. Shane smiled and kissed the top of her head lightly. He gave a small contented sigh. Actually he wasn't really very comfortable. Elizabeth's body was pressing against his bruises and sore parts and his healing ribs ached. But somehow he didn't mind.

Feeling like a schoolboy trying to sneak a kiss from a napping schoolgirl, he carefully put his arms around her while trying not to disturb her sleep. Lucy walked in with a breakfast tray. She gave a knowing smile when she spotted the two of them together in bed and exited the room quietly. Oh boy, there's going to be some explaining to do, he groaned inwardly.

"Shane you have two girlfriends here who are dying to shower you with kisses, I'm afraid I can't hold them back much longer," Lucy called back into the room.

Elizabeth bolted awake confused as Loretta and Germaine came running into the room. Before she could be embarrassed at the fact that she was practically hugging Shane in her sleep, she was distracted by both little girls trying to climb onto Shane's bed. "Careful you two. Don't bump into Shane ok? He's still hurt," she cautioned. Lucy lifted the both of them up and placed them carefully by Shane's side as Elizabeth helped him into a sitting position.

"Aww here are my two little nurses. I feel so much better already," Shane exclaimed hugging them gingerly.

"Are you okay? Does it still hurt Shane? Mummy told us you were in an accident, we were so frightened," Loretta asked.

"I'm sorry I scared you. It doesn't hurt anymore now that both of you are here. I'm fine, don't worry." Shane smiled broadly.

Germaine patted his arm in a comforting manner and Elizabeth couldn't help but smile at the solemn little girl. She mused her golden blonde hair.

Shane looked at the three girls seated on his bed and suddenly a lump formed in his throat. To anyone not in the know, this looks just like a Sunday morning family scene.  Husband and wife and two beautiful little girls. Is this what it feels like to have your own family?

"Are you ok?" Elizabeth asked, noticing the change in his expression.

He quickly put on a smile. "I'm just really hungry. Who wants bacon and eggs?"


"Lucy could you set up breakfast in the conservatory?"

"Are you sure you're up for it? You haven't recovered your strength yet," Lucy gave him a questioning look.

"Yes," Shane insisted stubbornly, "No more painkillers, no more soups. All I want is some fresh air, exercise and real food. It's about time I start working those leg muscles. I'm going soft from spending so many days in bed."

Lucy brought the two little girls downstairs while Elizabeth came over to his side of the bed to help him up.

Shane swung his legs to the floor and tested them warily. He hesitated, they feel like jelly, his leg muscles weak from lack of use. He gripped the bedpost and hoisted himself up unsteadily. Elizabeth hurried over and slipped his arm over her shoulders for support. "I can walk on my own," Shane grumbled. 

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Fine, let's see you try." She stepped aside.

Shane took a couple of wobbly steps forward and almost fell face first onto the floor. Elizabeth rushed forward to steady him. "It's ok, put your weight on me." Elizabeth said reassuringly. Shane had no choice but to swallow his pride and leaned heavily on her. Using his surroundings and Elizabeth as support, he slowly hobbled downstairs. He collapsed onto a chair gratefully. The short walk had drained him.

They were in the middle of breakfast in the conservatory when Mason dropped in. "Hey! You're looking almost human again. Looks like you've still got your devilish good looks too. Thank god, thought you'd get stuck with that banged up face." Mason jibed, plopping himself down at the table.

Shane scowled at him as he tried to flick some eggs in his direction.

"Want any breakfast Mason?" Elizabeth asked.

"Sure! Tell Lucy I want a helping with everything she's got. Take your time, thanks," Mason replied, giving Shane a pointed look as Elizabeth headed for the kitchen.

Shane ate quietly until Elizabeth was out of earshot.

"Does Elizabeth know about the photos?" Shane asked.

"Nope I managed to keep it from her. The police do know though. Do you believe all the photos are really destroyed?"

"I have to, don't I?" "What are you planning to tell the police?" Mason asked him, helping Germaine to cut her sausages.

"Nothing much that could help. I really did not know who those men were. Although I could warrant a pretty good guess who set them up to it," Shane said grimly.

"Don't worry. Joanne and I are on it. She put a private eye on Chris Nolt. A snake like Beaste will never do his own dirty work. That spineless Chris is definitely his lackey. We find something to hold against Chris and we'll be able to get to Beaste," Mason announced confidently.

"Good job. I don't care how much or how long it takes, Beaste is going to pay for all of this." Shane stated firmly, pouring more milk for Loretta.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure justice is served. He's not getting away with this."

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