Strictly Business: Chapter 16

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Elizabeth woke up with a start and glanced at the clock at her bedside table. It was again late at night. She just had the weirdest dream which felt very real. It was disjointed and vague and filled her with a heavy uneasy feeling she couldn't shake off. I've can't seem to stop sleeping and I keep having these weird dreams, she thought as she turned.

To her surprise, Shane was seated at the armchair by the window. He sat with his back to her, slumped forward with his head in his hands. He looked like he was either exhausted or troubled. Concerned, Elizabeth got out of bed and quietly padded over. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Startled, Shane looked up and quickly turned away but not fast enough to hide his red-rimmed eyes.

"Shane! What's wrong?" Elizabeth was shocked to see him in tears.

"Nothing. What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting," Shane kept his face away from her.

She knelt down in front of him. "Shane." she called gently.

He still refused to face her. His hands were curled tightly into fists and his jaw was clenched. It was clear he was very upset about something.

"Please talk to me." she coaxed.

Shane took a deep breath and finally turned towards her. "Let's get you back into bed first."

Elizabeth got back under the covers and Shane fussed over the pillows, making sure she was seated comfortably. Elizabeth knew he was trying to stall but said nothing. He sat down beside her at the edge of her bed, took her hand in his and began to rub his thumb across her knuckles absently.

"Shane, what is it? You're starting to scare me."

Shane sighed. He really did not want her to know but he was afraid of her finding it out on her own. "What do you remember about the night you were at Nicholas' place?"

"I remember being at his apartment. We were just talking. I was having some tea when I started feeling really drowsy. I woke up the next morning here."

He quietly told her what happened that evening, trying to gloss over some of the more disgusting details.

Elizabeth blanched and her hands flew up to her mouth in shock. Her eyes widened like saucers. Those feelings she keeps getting in her dreams. Of feeling cold. Of something looming over her. Of feeling unclean. She forced her brain to remember the details of that night but drew a blank. But those feelings and impressions she kept getting in her dreams, those were not just dreams.

Shane quickly held her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. "Elizabeth look at me," he commanded. "Nothing happened. He didn't touch you. Thankfully I arrived in time before he could do anything to you. You were not violated." He could not bear to use the word rape.

"He did touch me," she whispered so softly Shane could barely hear her. "I can't remember details from that night but I remember feelings. Of someone leaning over me, touching me. They keep appearing in my dreams."

She started to shake. The knowledge that she was that close to being raped filled her with fear. Shane drew her into his arms and held her tightly. He could feel her shudders as she tried to grapple with what she had just heard.

Tears started to fall down her face silently. He could feel them soaking his shoulder. He felt a strong wrench in his gut, the likes of which he never felt before. It was like someone was slowly and painfully shredding his insides into pieces. His heart ached. He never felt so helpless before.

"I won't let him hurt you again. I swear," he whispered over and over, rubbing her back.

He held her until she fell asleep, exhausted from crying. As he laid her gently back onto her pillows and wiped the tears from her face, he swore he'll never give anyone the chance to hurt her again and that he'll make Nicholas pay for all that he did to her.


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