Chapter 4: Administrative Operations

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Location: Pacific Ocean


Current time: 6:05 - Morning

Weather: Low cloud coverage

Mission: Survive - Assess - Recover - Analyze

Kansen active: FGS Hessen


Hessen did not really expect the Commander to approach her directly shortly after such a battle. Normally people holding positions of high authority are holed up in an office somewhere, usually guarded by several well-armed guards. She especially expected this to be the case of the Commander; After all, he is basically commanding a base full of sentient warships capable of leveling entire buildings in an instant.

And yet, he stands there directly in front of her with a smile on his face, surrounded by the kansen he commands. He reaches out for a handshake, to which Hessen complies.
"Greetings! You must be Hessen, correct? I must thank you personally for the big support you just demonstrated for us all. I am the Commander of the Azur Lane fleet, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too. So you are the Commander of the entire faction?"

"Yep, you can put it like that. You can simply address me as "Commander", although some call me "Shikikan" or simply "SKK". Pick your poison, I'd say!" chuckle

The Commander was the absolute opposite of what Hessen expected. She expected someone with a big ego, perhaps with a bit of arrogance. And yet, on first glance, the Commander seemed very friendly and gentle. An aura of calmness surrounded him, somehow making her feel at peace.

"You know, Hessen, i was pretty worried about you since the moment i got the first reports about you from Enterprise."
He looked at her and her damaged rigging. He could not believe that despite all this, she still decided to throw herself into battle to help defend the base. For that, he is thankful.

"First you burst into fire and suffered a detonated engine, then you were towed all the way here - and as if it was not bad enough, you then got dragged right into a major battle. I am sorry about this, you must feel exhausted right now."

"Don't apologize, it was not you or your fleets fault. And about the battle just now -  i could not simply stand there and do nothing."

"And for that, me and everyone else is thankful, I'm sure. But how about we continue this conversation in my office? I believe a nice chair is more comfortable than just standing around on a harbor."

"That's fine by me."
The Commander smiles at her again before turning towards the other shipgirls surrounding them nearby.
"Enterprise, can you please come here?"

Enterprise steps forward.
"Yes, Commander?"

"Please notify Vestal and the appropriate Manjuus to commence damage control throughout the base. From my eyes it doesn't look too bad, although i cannot see if any internal damages caused by the air raid are present."
Enterprise nods and hurries away.

"For everyone else, you all did well in defending the base. You all earn a well-deserved rest. Report any damage done to you to Vestal in order to get everyone back to tip-top shape."
The kansen respond with a multitude of "Affirmative" and "Roger that" answers before scattering to resume base operation as normal.

"Alright. Sorry about that quick interruption. Let's go to my office, shall we? We'll discuss everything else there. While we proceed, i can show you around the base a bit! However i am afraid that you won't fit easily into the building with your rigging active." chuckle

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