Chapter 5: Maintenance Protocol

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Location: Azur Lane main naval base / Pacific Ocean


Current time: 12:03 - Noon


Mission: Assess - Identify - Repair - Recover - Restore

Kansen active: /

Kansen undergoing maintenance: FGS Hessen


Hessen woke up after a good hours long sleep, the rest she had having replenished her energy. She opened her eyes as her sight adjusted to the bright noon sunlight beaming through the window as she again realized where she was.
A small part of her hoped that her current situation was just a strange dream to be woken up from, that she'll wake up back home in Germany with her sisters next to her, telling them about the strange dream she had about an "Azure Lane" and their strange war against some "Crimson Axis". However, she knew that her situation would not let her escape so easily - sadly. She was still in the same room she fell asleep in, in the same base, in the same strange world. She seemingly sensed her sister's presence for a brief second before it vanished as she looked around the empty room with a sad expression.
"So it wasn't a dream... I'm still here..."
"...I must stay composed. Letting emotions run amok will not make my progress in returning home any better... even if it may be impossible."

She jumped out of her bed and prepared herself for the day - well, technically the rest of the day due to her waking up in the middle of the day at noon. However, a slight wave of nausea overcame her.
"Damn Jet Lag...  good thing that kansen adjust very quickly to such environmental changes..."
She stopped a moment to let the nausea wear off before stepping out of the room.

"...I should probably get something to eat before starting those repairs of mine."
Her thinking was interrupted by a fleet of loud destroyers running through the hallway.

???: "Hey! Slow down! You're all going to bump into someone if you don't pay attention!"

???: "Hehehe~ You'll never catch us, Fletcher! I'll get the new torpedo launchers first!"

???: "No, Aulick, i will! You think i will let any of you get them first?"

???: "Shut up, Foote! I will get them first, I'm the best at firing them!"

The horde of destroyers quickly approached Hessen, who immediately pressed herself into the nearest wall to try and let them through. Hopefully without injuries. She tried counting them - one, two, three, four - How many of them are on this base?!?

Fletcher: "Watch out! There's someone there!"
These words fell on deaf ears as the horde swept through the hallway. Hessen barely got dragged along. Barely.
"Is this how people here react when new equipment is issued?" She thinks.

Sure, new equipment is always nice. She too was pretty excited when she was issued the newest Harpoon Block II+ ER missiles back then. Having her effective combat range extended to 310 km was pretty big news for her. But not to an extend that she would sprint directly through a base to get them first.

Hessen watched as the group of destroyers ran through the hallways into the distance, the area soon becoming silent again.

"I guess New Jersey was right with everyone on this base being... unique."
She proceeded through the Eagle Union dorm with silence. Looks like everyone is already out doing their daily tasks.
She stepped out of the dorm and looked out to the ocean.
"Looks like they are doing some kind of exercise. By the looks of it, an exercise for destroyers. I guess the horde of destroyers passing by ran too late for it and had to grab new gear."

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