Chapter 12: Retaliation

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Locational data: Offline substitute active / No errors detected

Current time: 18:24 - Evening

Weather: Clear

Mission: Reach - Strike - Terminate - Evacuate

Kansen active: FGS Hessen, ROCN Ting An, HMS Centaur, HMS Scylla, HMS Belfast


That dream was a terrifying nightmare. As soon as Hessen fell asleep, it happened - the worst nightmare she has ever had in her entire life.

A sea of nothingness, with her standing in the middle. Someone else seemed to be present as well, standing in front of her.

Who is that? She looks like she is from the Sakura Empire, judging by those fox ears and tails...

The kansen in question had large, silver-white fox ears on top of her head, as well as long silver hair. Nine fox tails were waving behind her, while her clothes consisted of a kimono with a unique, dark-blue-white design. Blue butterflies consisting of light were hovering around her, as well as several strange orbs displaying the different phases of the moon being present.

When Hessen wanted to ask a question as to who this person was, she realized that she could not speak. Something was preventing her from doing so.

The unknown kansen looked at her with a strange expression - one of both pity and sadness, as well as regret.
Seemingly already knowing what is happening, she spoke with an incredibly soothing, sleepy voice.
"I am sorry, little one... But this one has no choice..."

What? What do you mean?

The scenery instantly changed as Hessen was thrust into a nightmare. The void around her and the mysterious person disappeared as it took hold - terrifying, cruel scenes were shown to her, as if whatever she is seeing was the direct manifestation of her worst fears.

Her own sisters dying in her arms - Her home nation completely engulfed in fire - Everyone close to her betraying her...

It was as if Hessen was psychologically tortured by some kind of cruel, twisted version of her own memories - the most frightening things for any person are the constructs of one's own mind, after all...
It seemed as if almost an eternity passed as she broke free from the nightmare and woke up with tears in her eyes while breathing heavily, perking up in her bed at such a high speed that she almost fell out.
Hessen had to actively restrain herself from breaking out into full-blown crying, as she quickly caught herself.

It was only a dream... It was only a dream... Everything is alright... I am still here...

She stumbled out of her bed, looking back. It was a mess - it appears she tossed and turned during her sleep the entire time.

I never want to have such a nightmare again...

She quickly took care of the mess, trying to forget what she had gone through - but that nightmare did not leave her alone, as if burned into her mind for a long time. She stood there in the middle of the room, calming herself down by deeply inhaling and exhaling.

Alright... Good... What time... is it?

She looked at a nearby clock mounted to the wall.

18:24... over eight damn hours of this nightmare... how did i not go insane?

She now fully caught herself as she tried returning to her regular behavior.

Right... i suppose i should get going...

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