Chapter 10: Subsurface Threat

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Location: Pacific Ocean

Locational data: Offline substitute active / No errors detected

Current time: 7:18 - Morning

Weather: Mild Fog - Potential weather warning available

Mission: Extract - Return - Assist - Monitor

Kansen active: USS New Jersey

Kansen being towed: FGS Hessen

Note: Internal electrical integrity compromised / Operational capabilities compromised / Support capabilities limited


Hessen slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. It looked like she fell into a short slumber while laying on the deck of her frigate. Well, not like it was not well-deserved for her, after all that happened to her a few hours ago.

She woke up to the gentle sounds of the waves of the sea splashing against the bow of her frigate, the engine sounds of the battleship towing her, her head resting on something soft, and - a smiling face staring at her right in front of her.

"AH! What are you doing?"
Hessen suddenly perked herself up from that scare. New Jersey simply giggled.
"Mornin', sleepyhead. Took you long enough. I don't think simply laying flat onto the deck is comfortable."

Hessen caught herself and pouted a bit.
"There are better ways to wake me up, you know. Staring at me mere centimeters away from my face is not one of them."

New Jersey giggled further.
"Sorry, your face just looked very cute while you slept. You must have been exhausted from all that back there - honestly, i can't blame you."

Hessen brushed away that comment.
"Yeah - you can say that. But forget it, how many hours did i sleep through?"

New Jersey checked the time.
"I'd say you were out for 'bout two hours."

Hessen was somewhat relieved for a rather strange reason.
"Two hours, huh... that means our fleet did not run into anything dangerous during that time. Looks like our return journey back to the base will most likely be uneventful."

"Aw. c'mon Hessen. You just woke up and you're already on edge. Relax a little."
New Jersey said while headpatting her.

Hessen was a little irritated by this. New Jersey is slowly beginning to act as a big sister similar to Sachsen to her.
"...Can you stop treating me like a little girl? I appreciate your concern about me but i find it a bit weird that you are starting to treat me like your little sister."

New Jersey responded with a simple smug smile.
"Sorry 'bout that. I find it funny to headpat the very same person who detonated half an enemy base just mere days ago by herself. With that kind of firepower, are you sure you're not secretly my long-lost battleship sister?"

Hessen pouted again.
"I am afraid I'm not. Although i am curious to see how it's like to fire battleship cannons. The best I've got in that department, excluding missiles, is my single 76 mm autocannon."

New Jersey replied with a curious expression.
"I'd say the same. I wonder how it's like having these fancy missiles like you. Having those would be like firing self-guiding battleship salvos - ah, how nice that would be..."

Hessen properly stood up, looking around. She began walking towards a nearby railing when she managed to stop herself in time from slipping on Takao's sword she had laid down next to her earlier again.
"Man... I'm getting tired of this thing. Does Takao's katana inhabit its original owner's fury or something that causes it to try to trip me again?"

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