Chapter 8: Infiltration

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Location: Azur Lane main naval base / Pacific Ocean

Locational data: Offline substitute active / No errors detected

Current time: 00:42 - Midnight

Weather: Clear

Mission: Infiltrate - Support - Extract - Monitor

Kansen active: FGS Hessen, HMS Sheffield, HMS Edinburgh

In the middle of the night, Hessen stood on her frigate, conducting light maintenance and replenishing ammunition. Why, you might wonder?
Well, when the Commander mentioned that infiltration mission with the Royal Maid Corps participating, it turned out that it included Hessen as well. He said it was because her stealth design and installed ECM systems would give them an advantage to better conduct such secretive operations.

I can never get a break, can't i...
she thought, as she proceeded to push another Harpoon missile into the corresponding tube. Not only did she barely defeat an alien-looking laser-blasting enemy capable of appearing out of thin air a short time ago, now she had to potentially get up close and personal directly into the heart of the Sakura Empire. How fun.

At least I'm doing this mission with Royal Maids this time... I am a bit curious how they operate.

She finished loading the last missile into the tube and sat down next to her helicopter pad. She was tired after what happened earlier, but she decided to just rest on the way to the mission objective.

She looked at the night-filled clear sky, spectating the stars, when she heard a familiar voice approaching.
"Evenin', Hessen!"
The battleship joined Hessen on her frigate, sitting down next to her.

Hessen took on a rather confused face.
"New Jersey? What are you doing out here this late at night? You got a mission too?"

"Nah, no mission. Just wanted to check on you."

"Oh, come on. Everything is fine so far."

"Hessen, please. Do ya really think that the base's newest member getting directly attacked by an Elite Siren goes unnoticed?"

"Ah, right... i forgot how quick rumors spread around here."

"You seem really calm after what happened."

"I'm gonna be honest with you - i am internally still a bit freaked out about all this. You're telling me you fight those things en masse?"

"Yep. I fought Purifier myself a few times before. She always seems to appear at the most inconvenient times possible. A few battleship salvos from me always shut her up quickly." chuckle

"Aw, man... What else do i not know? They can use damn portals! All my range advantage goes out the window when they can literally teleport next to me!"

New Jersey responds by giving her headpats.
"Don't worry Hessen - it's not like you are completely defenseless. As a bonus, the Commander wants to assign you even more support during missions. That's why you are doing this secret-agent stuff with the Royal Maids. I wonder though - how did ya chase off Purifier earlier?"

Hessen points to her Harpoon missile launchers.
"I smacked her in the face at point-blank range with 8 of these."

Both pause for a second before breaking out in a chuckle.
"Oof! You slapped her with almost a dozen of them? That must have hurt!"

"Yep. She was... not happy."

"Welp, must have been a helluva wake-up call for her. I myself would not enjoy being the target of just one of these things, nevertheless 8 of them."

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