Chapter 6

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3rd pov:

"Death is an inevitable part of life, touching every soul, even the mightiest. It's a universal truth that none can escape."

Suguru listened to Riko's heartfelt words, her determination to live alongside everyone again. He extended his hand, ready to guide her home, when the sudden, jarring sound of a gunshot shattered the moment. Riko's lifeless body collapsed in front of him, a bullet wound in her head. Shocked and horrified, Suguru could hardly process the abrupt tragedy unfolding before his eyes.

Toji, the Sorcerer Killer, revealed himself with an elated grin, taunting Suguru about the mission's failure. In disbelief, Suguru demanded to know why Toji was present in the Tombs of the Star. Toji's response was chilling and triumphant: "Because I've killed Satoru Gojo and Stuti Zenin Yadav."

Fury and despair welled up within Suguru. He summoned two powerful cursed spirits, the Rainbow Dragon and Kuchisake-Onna, with a fervent resolve. Through gritted teeth, he commanded Toji to meet his end. The stage was set for a deadly confrontation, as the forces of darkness clashed in the shadowy depths of the Tombs of the Star.

The battle between Suguru and Toji raged on within the Tombs of the Star. Suguru's powerful cursed spirit, the Rainbow Dragon, clashed fiercely with Toji, crashing through buildings and causing chaos in its wake. Toji, seemingly unperturbed, casually fired his handgun even as he was dragged by the dragon, forcing Suguru to summon another cursed spirit to block the bullets.

Suguru descended to a lower area of the Tombs of the Star, determined to confront Toji. Toji managed to break free from the Rainbow Dragon's grip and began walking around the upper floor of a partially destroyed building, all the while explaining why barriers were ineffective against him.

Suguru, driven by a mix of anger and desperation, attempted to target Toji by listening to the sound of his footsteps from below. However, Toji's incredible speed allowed him to effortlessly evade Suguru's curse projectiles. As the battle unfolded, Toji explained that he tracked them through conventional means, using his enhanced senses from his heavenly restriction to follow their footprints and scent.

Suguru's frustration grew, and he pressed Toji for answers about Misato Kuroi. Toji callously hinted that she was probably dead, further fueling Suguru's rage.

Infuriated, Suguru unleashed the Rainbow Dragon once more and took the battle into the skies. He launched a relentless barrage of cursed spirit projectiles at Toji, but Toji brushed them aside effortlessly. Toji even sliced through Rainbow Dragon with a single attack, an impressive feat considering the cursed spirit's formidable defenses.

The battle reached its climax when the platform they were on collapsed, falling towards the ground. Kuchisake-Onna, a cursed spirit in Suguru's arsenal, managed to catch the falling platform in her barrier. However, Toji and Suguru were still locked in combat.

Toji and Suguru clashed fiercely once more, with Toji displaying incredible speed and skill. He deflected multiple attacks and, at one point, used the Inverted Spear of Heaven to repel a barrage of scissor blades.

Suguru attempted to close in on Toji, but the Sorcerer Killer was always a step ahead. Suguru tried to absorb Toji's cursed spirit to neutralize his arsenal, but it rejected him. Seizing the opportunity, Toji swiftly cut Suguru down with a katana, delivering a decisive kick to finish the fight.

As the platform finally crashed to the ground, Toji spared Suguru's life, uncertain of what would happen to the cursed spirits Suguru had absorbed if he were to die.

Before departing, Toji taunted Suguru, highlighting the irony that despite all their blessings and power, the sorcerers couldn't defeat a seemingly ordinary man. His mention of blessings brought back memories of his son, whom he finally remembered naming Megumi.

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