Chapter 25

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3rd pov:

"I am time. For past months I have been witnessing Stuti go back and forth between her students and giving everyone her undivided attention. But how can I see her sad eyes as I flow ahead. Will I cry with her or smile and celebrate with her in the future?"

In the tranquil setting of the school grounds, Stuti perched on a tree branch, playing her flute. The melodic notes flowed through the air, captivating the students gathered on the lawn below. The enchanting music seemed to echo the mystique of the jujutsu world they navigated.

Amidst the serene atmosphere, Megumi voiced his thoughts about incorporating cursed tools into his combat strategy. "How about I carry cursed tools?" he asked, prompting a thoughtful discussion.

Panda, ever the one for levity, chimed in, "Carrying cursed tools, huh?" Megumi then turned his attention to Maki, asking, "Zenin-senpai, you often carry more than two around with you, right? How do you do that?"

Maki responded with her characteristic nonchalance, "I make Panda carry them," eliciting a surprised reaction from Megumi and a comical pose from Panda himself. Stuti, tossing apples to Inumaki nearby, added to the mystique, "You know, some sorcerers keep cursed spirits that can store and retrieve objects."

"But Stuti-sensei," Maki interjected, "he can't do that. It's a rare thing."

Stuti, with a mischievous glint in her eye, added, "It is in his blood so he can do it, but his way can be something else. But you never know when history might repeat itself and whose bag will the spear of heaven be placed in. That's only in the womb of the future." Her cryptic words left the students pondering.

As the conversation continued, Megumi contemplated the idea of summoning cursed tools or using his technique to store them. Stuti's response hinted at the intricate nature of jujutsu techniques, leaving the students with more questions than answers.

Meanwhile, Nobara embarked on her own adventure, shopping for a new tracksuit. "This color suits me better," she mused, holding up different options.

Back in the basement, Yuji remained immersed in his movie-watching regimen. However, a momentary distraction occurred when he indulged in drinking soda, leading to an unexpected punch from the cursed corpse doll. As he heard a chuckled from his teacher, Stuti.

Yuji always admired Stuti's caring gestures, especially when she brought him sweets, what she lovingly called prashad. As he groaned in pain from the punch, Stuti entered the room, playfully ruffling his hair. Cupping his cheeks, she fed him prashad with her hands, embodying a motherly figure he never had.

Nobara saw Stuti as her best friend despite their age gap, Megumi as a tender elder sister, and astonishingly, she was also Megumi's cousin by blood, making her his elder sister too, a relationship revealed by Stuti. But for Yuji, she played the role of a caring mother who always made sure he ate, sometimes even feeding him makhan (white butter) with her own hands. Yuji discovered that day that even something simple as butter could taste delicious if she fed it too him.

"Stuti-sensei, where do you get this?" Yuji inquired.

Chuckling, Stuti replied, "I go to the ISKON temple and perform a few rituals the pooja. It's like an offering to God."

With an intrigued expression, Yuji looked at her, losing interest in the movie. Stuti noticed his gaze and teased, "Why are you looking at me with those sweet eyes?"

Scooting closer to her, Yuji said, "Stuti-sensei! I want to listen to one of those songs you sing in the morning!"

Raising an eyebrow, Stuti smiled, "Which one?"

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