Chapter 24

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3rd pov:

"If you encounter it, your choices are to either run or die. I warned them that fighting was absolutely not an option," Ijichi told Satoru, the sterile light of the morgue casting a cold glow on the scene. They both stood beside the covered body of Yuji, an air of somberness enveloping the room.

"It was intentional."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"There was a special-grade curse. Sending first-years to rescue five who may or may not be alive should be out of the question. Besides, with Yuji, I was the one who forced the issue and got his execution indefinitely suspended. Some higher-ups who didn't like that took advantage of my absence and the special-grade to tactfully dispose him. If the other one had also died, it'd be more harassment for me and Stuti. It would be like two birds with one stone for them."

"No, but... No one expected it to become a special-grade by the time the dispatch was issued."

"Searching for someone to blame is just a pain. Maybe I should just... kill all of the higher-ups," Satoru suggested, his eyes reflecting the turmoil of the situation.

Ijichi looked at him in surprise. Just then, the morgue's door swung open, and in walked a woman, breaking the silence with a burst of energy.

"You're not usually this emotional."

"Oh, come on, Ieiri," Stuti entered with a mix of concern and determination on her face, as if she carried the weight of the situation on her shoulders.

"It's good to see you, Ieiri-san!" the man in glasses said, bowing respectfully.

"Looks to me... like you've taken quite a liking to them," Ieiri remarked, her eyes appraising Satoru.

"I've always been a nice guy who cares for my students."

"Don't torment Ijichi too much. He's got it rough, stuck between us and the higher-ups," Stuti interjected with a smirk, the atmosphere momentarily lightening.

'Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!' Ijichi thought, with a blush on his face.

"I don't care about a man's hardships," Satoru asserted, a tinge of frustration in his voice.

"Is that so?" Ijichi looked up with dotted eyes, surprised. Ieiri lifted up the sheet, revealing the lifeless form beneath.

"So this is... Sukuna's vessel, huh? I can take him apart as I please, right?"

"Make sure to get good use out of them."

"Oh, I will. Who do you think I am?" she questioned him

"Ieiri..." Stuti's voice carried a hint of caution as Shoko looked at her.

"I want to try something out," Stuti declared, her words hanging in the air with a sense of intrigue and purpose.

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"Live a long life, was it? Doesn't mean much if you go and die yourself," Nobara remarked to Fushiguro as they sat on the steps of their dormitory, the weight of their recent loss palpable in the air. The atmosphere was heavy, a stark contrast to the usual banter between the two first-years.

"Is this the first time a partner died on you?" she inquired, trying to break through the solemnity.

"First one for my age," he replied, his gaze fixed on the ground.

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