Drabble #3

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Soo its more like a head canon cause I'm on my period and my wanted comfort so here is a little head cannon on what Stuti is like on her period!!

Satoru knows instantly when she's about to start her period -- one he keeps track of her cycle, two -- he knows how her mood shifts. Stuti is mostly clingy and whiny but she also gets emotional and cranky about the littlest things. 

then he knows what's up. for a person who doesn't understand personal space, he loves this. He always cradles her like a baby and rock her back and forth whenever she's complaining about her cramps. He literally treats her like a princess even though its 24/7 on all 365 days. If she asked for cuddles he'll come running home from his mission to cuddle his wife!

Watch her favorite movie with her:(( bring his wife her favorite food :(( call Stuti his little princess :(( and her mood lifts too !! he's just so funny and niceys that she end up laughing at his dorky jokes ;) 

He'll give little massages on her belly to ease up the pain, He makes sure in she's having like a back pain to give her heat packs from time to time. He gives her hot tea from time to time. Honestly like full husband material :))

His Priye ||Gojo Satoru x OC||Where stories live. Discover now