Chapter 36

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3rd pov:

It was a lazy morning, and the light poured into the room, leaving it with a warm glow as Stuti turned around, rubbing her eyes, waking up. 

Satoru's back had freckles. Stuti always thought it was a shame they didn't litter across his cheeks too, but he was beautiful all the same, wholly hers as he lay on his stomach and slept while the sun kissed the marks of his skin.

"Morning, Priye," Stuti hummed, greeting him even though he couldn't hear her. It was rare to wake up before him—but not as rare as him having a day off. Stuti sighed, admiring the soft breaths he took. One by one, in and out.

He was pretty—it was a fairly popular shared opinion. However difficult he might be, he was always pretty. Her eyes fixed on his cheek pressed against the pillow as he slept, an easy smile fitting on her lips.

"Still drooling," Stuti chuckled, shaking her head as her thumb wiped at the edge of his lips. "What am I going to do with you?"

It was hard not to lean down and kiss him—once on his forehead, then a few times across his cheeks before a soft, delicate one to the corner of his parted lips. He stirred lightly, a soft sigh of content spilling before he seemed to settle back to slumber.

Satoru was a light sleeper. Stuti thought it came with being on high alert as often as he was, but somehow, he always slept peacefully despite her movement. He stayed perfectly sound asleep even as Stuti touched him and whispered hushed morning words she hoped were lost amidst the birds chirping and the wind gushing outside. It was her secret—just for her and the sleeping man beside her.

The world granted her this one small, paused moment in time.

There were streaks of light pouring through the cracks of the blinds, like small slivers of honey trickling from the sun to meet his skin and sweeten it up for Stuti. It was glazed with the saccharine taste of warmth, like a spoonful of molasses down her throat. She couldn't help but trace over the soft, delicate freckles along his skin, connecting them like they painted a picture.

It was gentle, the way her fingers trailed from his shoulder blades to the nape of his neck, down his spine and circling back up to stop midway. He shivered at her touch, goosebumps forming on his skin as he instinctively shuffled closer to look for the warmth of her body.

A strong arm wrapped around her waist, his head finding her lap as he mumbled, "It's too early, love."

"Sorry, sorry," Stuti chuckled, rubbing his back slowly, feeling the planes of his muscles as he hummed appreciatively when she raked her nails soothingly over the skin. "Go back to sleep, sleepyhead."

"Can't—" he cut himself off with a tired yawn before he continued again, his voice a low croak filled with sleep. "—can't sleep unless you come back."

"I'm right here, silly," Stuti snorted, "you're literally half on me."

"Well, come closer," Satoru grumbled. His arm pulled her closer, close enough that he could comfortably press his face into her belly and sigh happily as Stuti chuckled, fingers threading through his hair and gently smoothing her nails over his scalp. "Why're you up? It's too early."

"Maybe because you're a blanket hogger," Stuti snorted, eyeing the unused blanket pooled at his side of the bed. "I wake up cold every day."

"I'm enough to keep you warm," he mumbled. He shifted until she was entirely under him, his head tucking into the crook of her neck as his body blanketed over hers. "Better?"

Realistically, Satoru was comfortably slotted over her body for his own benefit than Stuti's, but he seemed happy enough that she was willing to go along with his nonsense, giggling as Stuti nodded.

His Priye ||Gojo Satoru x OC||Where stories live. Discover now