Chapter 8

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3rd pov:

"The love story of Stuti and Satoru was a truly pure and remarkable one. It was something that I, too, found myself adoring. Their connection was so deep that they could talk for hours and never grow tired of each other's company. Stuti had this incredible ability to listen to Satoru's ramblings with genuine interest and care. It was evident that she held a special place in her heart for everyone, and there was something uniquely beautiful about the way she cared for him, Suguru, and Shoko.

One thing that touched Satoru the most was how Stuti never seemed to tire of his company. Even when he would go on and on about topics that fascinated him, she would be right there with him, hanging onto his every word. Satoru, who wasn't particularly fond of mythology, found himself captivated when Stuti would share stories of Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, and other mythological tales with him late at night. It was moments like these that deepened their bond and made him appreciate the richness of her world.

Another delightful aspect of their relationship was their shared love for sweets. Stuti was always eager to try out new sweet treats with Satoru, and he cherished these simple yet precious moments they spent together."

Satoru strolled through the tranquil night of Jujutsu Tech. Sleep eluded him, his mind still grappling with the events of the previous day. Seeking solace, he found himself in the forest, drawn by the ethereal moonlight reflecting off the pond. There, he discovered Stuti, her presence a soothing balm to his troubled thoughts. She was engrossed in playing with a peacock, the moonlight enhancing her already captivating aura.

Unable to resist her magnetic pull, Satoru joined her by the pond, the question that had been haunting him escaping his lips. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

Stuti, her attention now on him, wore her characteristic honeyed smile. Her eyes, resembling a gentle deer's, gazed into his deep oceanic eyes. "How could I sleep when the love of my life was wide awake and in distress? So, what's troubling you?" she inquired, her voice as tender as her gaze.

Satoru, taking in her tranquil presence, couldn't help but voice his inner confusion. "I wanted to ask you something... Why didn't you join me in confronting him? You always say you stand with what's right... Why spare him?"

Stuti's chuckle was like a soft melody in the serene night. "I'm, once again, upholding a promise. I was explaining this to Shoko today."

"What promise?" Satoru queried.

Stuti, her fingers still caressing the peacock, recounted the wish Suguru had asked of her when he brought her to the infirmary after Toji's departure. "Suguru asked me to forgive him and never fight him until he's committed 1000 crimes. And he wanted similar crimes not to count."

Satoru was taken aback. "And you just agreed?"

Her reply was unwavering, much like her commitment to her promises. "I had no choice. You know me well, Priye. I never break my word, even when the promise might be risky."

Satoru let out a sigh, his hand absently ruffling his hair. "You won't change, will you?"

Stuti's laughter danced in the night air. "Anything else troubling you? You don't seem at peace."

"Peace, huh?" Satoru chuckled, a hint of sadness in his tone. "You really going to ask me that now?"

"Well," Stuti mused, her voice carrying the wisdom of ages, "peace isn't always about being happy. Sometimes it's simply about acceptance and learning. From what I see, you've accepted the fact that Suguru may not return and learned that you can only save those who want to be saved. So, now, what's troubling you? You know I won't judge you. I never have, and I never will."

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