Chapter 32

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3rd pov:

"T-minus one minute until we begin. And now, a word of well-appreciated encouragement from Ms. Iori Utahime.

"Satoru's voice echoed throughout the speakers located all over within the fighting area where the event was taking place. The team of Tokyo students gathered together in the forest, awaiting for the start while Gojo as well as the Kyoto teacher, Utahime made announcements.

"Huh?! U-Uh...Um, some degree of injury will be unavoidable, but um... let's help each other out... whenever we can... or something..."

"Hey! Gojo, you little-" 

"Now, on to the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on! My wife, Mrs. Stuti Gojo!" Satoru's announcement echoed through the microphone, reaching every corner of the room. Stuti couldn't help but chuckle, thoroughly amused by her husband's flair for the dramatic as his words resonated through the speakers.

"Well, thank you love. Now wall I have to say is, Life and this tournament. They're not always a walk in the park. Brace yourself for some tough times and battles ahead. Stay prepared and keep your eyes peeled, okay? Now, let the sister school exchange event...." Stuti said as Satoru yelled beside her, "Begin!"

As Satoru's booming voice marked the commencement of the event, both the Kyoto and Tokyo groups sprinted along the designated paths. Utahime's voice rang out, scolding the childish teacher and prompting laughter as the students raced forward.

"Respect your seniors!"

"Ichiro?!" Yuji wondered, glancing over at Megumi, while both teams charged into the densely forested area. 

"So Stupid." Nobara commented as Yuji inquired about the whereabouts of the Grade 2 curse, and Panda suggested that it was likely on the move. Maki reminded Yuji of their squad's plan as they followed Megumi's Divine Dogs to a weak Grade 3 curse. They prepared to exorcise it when Aoi Todo unexpectedly appeared, ready to confront the entire team single-handedly.

Yuji acted swiftly, delivering a flying knee to Aoi's face. Megumi and Maki split off in one direction, while Nobara, Toge, and Panda went another. 

The plan was for Yuji to hold off Aoi alone, using his strength. All he needed to do was buy time, but if Yuji was going to fight, he intended to win. Aoi quickly recovered from the initial attack, responding with a fierce punch that obliterated the Grade 3 curse and sent Yuji flying through a few trees on impact. Before Yuji could regain his bearings, Aoi stomped on his face, seemingly rendering him unconscious.

"Nice speed," Todo remarked, turning his head to spit out blood that had collected in his mouth from the impact of Yuji's running high knee to his face. Yuji grinned, thinking, 'No way! I thought I landed a good one.'

The brawny teen stretched his body, followed by the satisfying sound of cracking knuckles, all while maintaining an intense gaze on the pink-haired boy, attempting to instill some intimidation. The Kyoto student lowered his body into a fighting stance, muscles taut and rippling, while Todo clenched his fists tightly.

"Let me return the favor, first-year. Defend like your life depends on it!"

In a split second, Todo blitzed towards Yuji with blinding speed.

The pink-haired teen observed the Kyoto student barreling toward him, realizing he had very little time to react. Yuji instinctively raised his fists near his face, elbows tucked close to his body, forming an 'x' to provide the best protection. A low-grade curse with spider-like features swung its body in front of Yuji, deploying its web. 'Where?' 

However, this did little to impede the momentum of the buff Kyoto student as he drew back his right fist, rapidly closing in on his target. Skidding his feet against the grass, Todo landed a devastating punch right through the spider-like curse, causing its purple blood to splatter into the air. The combination of Todo's speed and natural strength propelled Yuji backward with tremendous force.

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