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[ irl , messages ]

by the time nick tells everyone to exchange their gifts, bin is completely wasted. she can't use the bathroom without willow's help walking to and from the door.

willow quickly turned into bin's caretaker for the evening. and after a while of trying to keep her at bay, she realized it's easiest when bin is sitting down. if she's standing, she starts to sway and tumble and shit.

they're currently sitting in the dining room. bin is leaning back in a chair, willow sitting across from her, watching her closely.

"will you be fine on your own for a few minutes?" willow asks. "i need to exchange my gift. but i'll promise to be quick."

bin waves her hand. "go, i'm fine. go."

willow doesn't believe her, but gets up and leaves anyway. if they were at a bar or a club, willow would not have left bin's side for a singe second. but their at a small party with friends.

when willow leaves, bin crosses her arms over the table and lays her head on top of them. she tries to collect her thoughts and organize her emotions.

bin wanted the alcohol to bury her feelings of anger. but it only emphasized them, ultimately making her angry and drunk.

for some reason, bin can't think of anything other than june.

bin's hair isn't as healthy as hers. her eyes aren't as brightly colored. her skin isn't as clear. her smile isn't as wide. her laugh isn't as cute. her personality isn't as bubbly.

bin doesn't only think about her jealousy, though. she also wonders if matt's looked at the stars with her. if he's ridden bikes with her at night. if they've eaten pop tarts at midnight, sitting in dewy grass.

"binny?" she suddenly feels a tap on her shoulder.

bin looks up at the person who touched her, seeing matt standing over her. bin doesn't say anything. she just plops her head back down onto her folded arms.

matt watches her completely ignore him and now he's worried. he pulls a chair over to hers.

"i can tell that you're drunk." matt says.

"no i'm not." bin replies, her words slurred together, her words hardly understandable. "i'm sober. perfectly good."

"you can't lie to me, binny." matt says, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

she doesn't answer him.

"i can read you like a book, remember?"

again, she doesn't answer him.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now