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[ irl ]

!! TW : in depth description of a panic attack !!

matt and bin haven't talked since she left for the bathroom. it's not like they're actively avoiding the other, they're just both busy with different things.

this wedding is incredibly stressful and overwhelming for bin because of her family. they're all drunk, loud, nosy, talkative, the list goes on. and matt doesn't want to add onto that, so he simply watches her from across the room as she rushes around to talk with a million people at once.

"you stare at her a lot." kai points out from beside matt.

there's a bar in the building — which is what's providing the adults with alcohol. the triplets, willow, and kai have been sitting at the bar all night. it's quieter over here because everyone else is partying in the center. also, willow has become best friends with the barista.

unsurprisingly, matt hasn't drank anything seeing as he's the dd. nick hasn't either because, in his words, alcohol makes him feel like he's not in control of his own body. chris, on the other hand, has been tasting a bunch of drinks, but hasn't drank.

willow has, though. she's decently tipsy, actually. she's in that giggly stage where everything's funny and she stumbles when she walks. but she's not wasted. not yet anyway.

kai is. he's sitting to chris's left and matt's right. he's the one who's been letting chris taste everything he orders — of course, he's not pushy with it, though, he's simply offering chris a sip and he agrees every time.

"you haven't taken your eyes off her all night." kai tells matt, draping an arm over his shoulder for support. "kinda weird for a couple of exes, huh?"

matt glances down at kai. if he weren't completely wasted, matt would've just moved and let him fall to the ground without his support. but he's drunk and vulnerable, so matt would feel bad doing that.

"not all night." matt responds. "just recently."

kai stares at matt, seeming to be analyzing every little detail of his face to come to a conclusion. "you're in denial, buddy."

"denial?" matt repeats.

"mhm, it's one of the first stages of falling in love with someone." kai explains, pointing at willow with a wide grin on his face. "i would know."

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now