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[ irl , messages ]

bin and willow just finished picking out their dresses for the wedding. however, since willow and kai are inseparable, kai is coming to the wedding as well. so they're currently walking into a random store that sells men's suits.

"since the theme is blue, what if i get a blue tie? i could get the same shade of blue as willow's dress. oh wait, would that be cringe? never mind, i think it'd be fine. weddings in general are cringe, so your family can deal with our matching blues." kai rambles as the three of them enter the building.

bin tunes out kai's voice and glances around the store. the floors are black marble while the walls are painted a deep shade of maroon. the place is fairly empty, only about fifteen people wandering around the isles.

"what about this one?" kai asks, pointing to a glittery pink suit covering one of the mannequins. he laughs at the awkward stance that the mannequin has been placed in. its right hand is on its hip, the left hand holding its left ankle as it bends at an inhuman way.

bin takes on look at the position and bursts out laughing. "who the fuck was in charge of these?"

willow laughs as well, but tries to keep her voice quiet due to the tense atmosphere of the store. she's already noticed a few people glance in their direction. one old woman glared at bin for laughing so loudly – which she didn't even notice her do.

"y'know," a random voice says from behind the group. they all turn to face the sound, seeing an old, balding man standing there angrily. "it's rude to make fun of someone's work."

"you're acting like it's some ancient statue." kai snaps back, making willow sigh. "it's a fucking mannequin. it's not a big deal, man."

"mannequin or not, someone put time and effort into this and you're acting extremely childish." the old man retorts.

kai opens his mouth to say something else, but bin is quick to interfere before he can say something they would all regret. she steps between them, giving the old man a small smile before saying, "sorry if we offended you. we were just trying to have fun."

"go make a darn sandwich, woman." the man tells bin. "we were having a conversation, you don't need to make yourself the center of attention."

she laughs. "excuse me?"

"you heard me." the man tells her, putting a hand on her shoulder and shoving her aside so he can refocus on kai. "as i was saying-"

"don't fucking touch her." everyone turns to see matt standing behind bin, his arms crossed with a scowl pasted on his face. coming up behind him are nick and chris, looking equally as pissed. all at once, the trio looks super intimidating.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now