• ~ Eight ~ •

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Chapter 8: Come Along

Kit was over at my house a lot, and my parents didn't mind. After my last relationship, they wanted me to be in a healthy one.

It came down to the night before Kit had to go back to the UK.

I laid on the bed of Kit's hotel, with his head on my lap as he scrolled through TikTok.

"Do you actually have to leave tomorrow?" I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah.. I don't want to- oh my god." He sat up and looked at me. "Why didn't I think of this earlier!"

"Babe- what are you-"

"Do you wanna come with me?"

"You mean to the UK with you?"

"I mean, you'd get to meet my family, but I understand if you don't want to-"

"Kit. I would love to go with you, but I'd have to ask my parents."

"Then go ahead and ask. I'll pay for your plane ticket and everything."

"I can't let you do that."

"I'm doing it whether you like it or not." He pulled me in by my waist. "I don't want to leave you just yet."

I smiled kissing him softly.

I looked at Kit.

"I gotta go ask my parents. I'll be back in like 20 minutes." I kissed him again and ran out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Mom, Dad."

They looked at me.

"Lexi, why are you so sweaty and out of breath?" My mother asked.

"Don't worry about that, but what I need to know is, can I go to the UK with Kit? Only for like 2 or 3 weeks."

My father looked at my mother.

"Do you really wanna go?"

"Yes. More than anything."

"Go ahead. When would you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Geez. Pushing it a little close now aren't you." My father said.

"Thank you guys! I love you both!"

"We love you too, but let me guess. You're going to run back to the four seasons and tell Kit."

"Maybe. I'll be back later."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kit came over to help me pack my stuff.

"How have I brought you here so many times and I've never brought you in my room?"

"No idea. But it's cute."

We packed up my large suitcase and lugged it down the stairs.

My parents figured it would be easier if I just stayed with Kit since we had to leave at like 4 in the morning to get to the airport on time.

I hugged my parents tight.

"Keep watch of her." My father said to Kit.

"You know I will, Sir."

My mom dropped us off at the hotel and we went to Kit's room.

"Well, here we are."

I sit down on the bed and open my laptop.

"What are you doing over here?" Kit asked as he sat down next to me.

"Writing song lyrics before they leave my brain. Do you wanna hear one of my recents for my new album?"

"You know my answer to that question." He smiled.

I clicked open a file called "Love 4 You" and opened the song "Dandelions"

As the song played I couldn't help but stare at Kit. I started noticing things I had never noticed before. His slight, barely noticeable freckles.

I opened my mouth before my mind could stop me.

"Kit. I love you."

He looked up at me.

"Oh my god. I'm so stupid. Oh my god- why would I say that-"


"Oh my god. This was my 13th reason-"


"I just fucked up everything didn't I-"

Before I could get another word out, Kit had pulled me in, kissing me.

"I love you too."

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