• ~ Thirty Two ~ •

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Chapter 32: Happy New Years

I had woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. I changed before I walked into the kitchen to see Kit filling my travel mug.

"Here's that for you." Kit said with a smile.

"How did I get so lucky?"

He kissed me.

"What time were you gonna be back here?"

"Hopefully before 4, or at 4. Dylan and my parents are coming at 4:30."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I said before grabbing the keys and leaving.

On the way to Charlie's studio I was listening to the regular version of That's Not How This Works.

I had walked in to see Charlie waiting for me.

"Hey Alexia!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We had finished our recording at 3:25 and I got a text from Dylan.


I was confused but did as she said. She was right. They were talking about me on their live stream.

"Who's your favorite artist right now?"

"Alexia Kelce for sure."

"Alexia is currently working her way up the totem pole for sure. Rumor has it she's working on a song with Doja Cat and a separate one with Charlie Puth."

"I currently have Fantasy on repeat. I've even seen the hashtag fuck Louis going around."

"That's what happens when you screw over 3 girls who happen to be musicians."

Charlie had chuckled a bit.

"First time having a big station talk about you?"

"Yeah. I mean I've had small conversations about me, but they are still talking about me."

"I need a tour for Alexia asap."

"She's Taylor Swift's daughter. I know that show would go hard."

Charlie had looked like a light bulb had gone off in his head.

"Would you wanna open for my tour?"



"I mean, yeah!"

"You could also bring Kit if he wanted to tag along."

"I can give you my manager's number and we can go from there."

"Sweet. I'll see you, Lex."

"Wait, I'm having a little get together at my place tonight. You're welcome to come if you'd like. You can bring Brooke too."

"Alright. What time?"

"6 until after the ball drop."

"I'll be there."

I had left the studio and went back to the apartment. I walked in to see Kit, Dylan and my mother decorating.


"Hey. I invited Charlie Puth. He's gonna be here at 6 with his fiancée."

"Since when were you friends with Charlie Puth?"

"Since yesterday. I just recorded a song with him. Wait where's Dad?"

"He went out to get alcohol."

"I'm underaged- we all are-"

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