• ~ Forty ~ •

652 15 1

Chapter 40: Everything Sucks

Trey had me stay in LA with Kit for my safety. Someone out there had every song I've ever written. I knew I should have brought it with me. What was I thinking?

I was sitting in the hotel room trying to think of how to tell my fans I was no longer going on tour.

Kit had stepped out of the bathroom to see me staring at my laptop screen.

"Lex, have you slept at all?"

"Nope. I don't have time to sleep. I need to write a message to the world and I need to find my-"

He had closed my laptop and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Alexia. You need to sleep."

"You sound like my mother."

"I'm not kidding."

"Mmm. I technically don't have to listen to you."

Kit was getting bothered. This side of him was genuinely so attractive.

"Alexia Bailey Kelce I will give you sleeping pills if I have to."

"You're gonna drug your girlfriend? That's insane."


"Ugh. Fine. Okay. Fine. I'll try."

"Thank you."

"No promises."

"As long as you try."

"Can I come with you?"

"Not today. What happened to you sleeping?"

"Please. I don't wanna be here all alone."

"You are so lucky I have a soft spot for you. As long as you sleep in my trailer."


I had gotten in the car with Kit. He was driving for once. Mostly because I had no idea where we were going.

"Babe, can we get coffee?"

Kit had looked at me. I knew his answer.

"Fuck you."

"You wish."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I had walked on set with Kit. His hand in mine. Jenna and Milo were both there already.

"You brought her?"

"Oh please don't test me bitch. I haven't slept in 28 hours."

Jenna rolled her eyes.

"How you holding up?" Milo asked.

"Terribly. I just want to know where my song book is. Everything I've ever written is in there. Every emotion I've felt is in that book."

"Oh boo hoo. It's a book."

"I swear to god-"

Both Milo and Kit had held me back.

"I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Like I said you should. Come here."

I had followed Kit into his trailer.

"Can I do one thing before I go to sleep?"


"Can I write that note?"

"Go ahead. I honestly can't control you so, and why would I try?"

I kissed him on the cheek and pulled out my phone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

@ItsAlexiaKelce: Due to my safety, I will no longer be opening for the Charlie tour. Current events have led me to this decision. I am so so sorry to any inconvenience this has caused anyone. - Alexia 💕

@user: I'd rather have you safe than opening and something happens. ❤️

@user: I hate when singers do this. So unprofessional.
^ @user: what kind of person are you?? She's doing it for her safety!

@user: Alexia is so sweet honestly. She's doing it for her safety and yet she's apologizing to us.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had fallen asleep almost immediately. I didn't even hear Kit's makeup artists come in or anything. I had woken up around 11. I had stood back and saw the scene in action. The scene had stopped due to an argument between Jenna, Kit and the director.

"Oh shit." I said to myself quietly.

Kit looked pissed.

"It's either me or her."

"Kit-" The director said.

"Jack, it's either me or her. Take your pick."

"Oh my god, stop being so dramatic-"

"Jenna you're fired."

"Ha- what!"

"Jenna, collect your stuff. Is there someone who can take her spot?"

I stood there. Should I say something?

"Kit! Your girlfriend! Can you call her?"

"She's right there."

Kit had pointed toward me.

"Oh, hey."

"Get her in a costume and do her makeup!"


Jenna had looked at me.

"I hope you never find your song book."

Anger had flooded through me, but I had followed the director and stuff. They had gave me the script.

"This is perfect! You and Kit have natural chemistry! Jenna and Kit had no chemistry whatsoever."

"Wait, so I'm Kayla?"

"Yeah! I can give you a few days to look at the script. I'll work with Milo and Kit and do their scenes."

"What character do I need to capture?"

"A teenager who's in love with the killer, but she doesn't know. You're in a trio with Max and Wyatt."

"Kit is Wyatt and Milo is Max, right?"

"Mhm. I'll let the guys know that you guys can leave. Lucky for you, we just started filming yesterday."

"How many days do I have to memorize these?"

"Is three okay?"

"I think I can get it in three-"

"Perfect! If able, come to set with Kit anyways, so we can figure out costumes and such."

"Got it."

"Tell Kit and Milo you guys are good to go."

"On it."

I had walked out to see them already ready to go.

"Hey! Wanna go get food?"

"I'm down."

I took Kit's hand as we walked with Milo to a restaurant.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As we ate an idea had come to mind.

"Oh my god! Why didn't I think of this earlier!?"


"They can't steal my songs if I release them."

"What about the ones we did last night?"

"Trey and Charlie are both still in town. We could do it once we're done here."

"I'm down. Call them up."

I was honestly a genius. They can't steal songs that are being released. After lunch I had called them up and the music grind had started.

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